Classify ‐ Classified Ads WordPress Theme
The Classify is a Premium Classified WordPress theme, super flexible and has a fully responsive design (try resizing your browser). Built with HTML5 and CSS3 . A lot of thought and care were put into Classify making it a pleasure to use.
I carefully hand crafted this template with a strong focus on typography, usability and overall user-experience. Its very quick to setup and easy to customize.
Classify Demo Colors
Note : These are just demo Colors You can use your own color, classify have option for unlimited colorsHome Page Styles
- Clean, Modern Design can be used for any type of website
- Fully Responsive
- Custom fields
- Built with HTML5 and CSS3
- Video Ads supported Click Here
- Unlimited Colors
- PayPal Integrated
- WooCommerce Integrated
- Google maps integrated
- Google maps styles option
- Geo location support
- ReduxFramework
- Bootstrap 2.3.2
- Turn ON/OFF Featured Ads Option
- bbPress (Forum)
- LayerSlider $15
- Sliders are touch swipe compatible
- Working Contact form
- Cross Browser support
- Twitter integrated
- Strong focus on typography, usability and overall user-experience
- 650+ Google fonts
- Social media icons
- SEO optimized
- Translation Support, Includes the .po and .mo files
- Unbranded Advanced Theme Options Panel
- Lots of Short codes, easily accessed as select list
- WordPress 3.8+ ready
- Membership Plans
- Front End Listing Submission
- Facebook Login
- Twitter login
- Google Plus Login
- Email Notifications
- Multilingual Support using WPML
- Shortcode System
- Social Share for Posts
- Well commented code.
- HTML 5 & CSS 3
- and much more.
= V 2.5.9 - 8 June 2015 =- Category Order On Post NEw Template (Fixed).- Menu & Top Section Hide on Change Color (Fixed).- Category Count On Home Page Increase to 36.- Listing Template with Sidebar added (NEW)- Listing Template Fullwidth added (NEW)- Listing or Grid Option with Home Page Version 1(NEW)
= V 2.5.8 - 28 April 2015 =- TGM Plugin Activation class (Recommended version 2.4.1)- Redux Framework (Latestversion)- Forum Sidebar Widgets (Fixed) - Blod in description (Fixed)- FAQ's Active Color
= V 2.5.7 - 13 March 2015 =- Advance Search Widget Improved.- Search Template Headings Translation.(Fixed)- Custom Fields Problem on Quick Edit (Fixed).
= V 2.5.6 - 3 March 2015 =- Advance Search Widget Added. (NEW)- Related Ads on Single Post ON/OFF (NEW)
= V 2.5.5 - 17 FEB 2015 =- FontAwesome version update (Update)- Custom Fields (Improved)- More Validation checks on Post New Ads. (Improved)- Premium / Featured Slider ON/OFF Added. (NEW)- Message to Author. (Improved)- Category map on/off option added (NEW)
= V 2.5.4 - 28 JAN 2015 =- Admin can disable free ad posting and make theme fully paid.(NEW)- Hide/Show category block from Home Pages.(NEW)- Admin can cancel any pricing plan for any user manually. (Improved)
= V 2.5.3 - 20 JAN 2015 =- All Categories widget Count with sub category(Improved)- Admin All Transaction Page (Improved)
= V 2.5.2 - 17 JAN 2015 =- Search Slider Tip Improved.- All Transaction Page for Admin Now Admin can see which user have purchased which plan & Posted Ads and remaining ads(NEW)- Admin can Assign any Pricing Plan to user from backend.(NEW)- All Categories Template Added.(NEW)- All Ads Template Added.(NEW)
= V 2.5.1 - 29 DEC 14 =- Top Search bar icon change with font-awsome.(Improved)- Category box limit set from backend on home page.(NEW)- Latest ads, popular ads, Rondom ads limit set from backend on home page.(NEW)- All Category Widget added.(NEW)- Category icons with Sub category widgets.(Added)- Call Out Button color replaced with primary color.(Improved)- All colors select from backed.(Improved)
= V 2.5 - 20 NOV 2014 =- Added more checks on Registration Form (Fixed)Note: Just update 2 files (1-template-register.php 2. custom.js from JS Folder)
= V 2.4 - 31 OCT 2014 =- Fix Location Template css- Improved all css
= V 2.3 - 30 OCT 2014 =- Ads location box on home page ON/OFF option from backend added (New)- Call Out Message box need ON/OFF option from backend added (New)- Life Time Expiry Option for Regular Ads option added (New)- Add more words in Translate tab (Fix)
= V 2.2 - 29 OCT 2014 =- Author message box ad's detail page On/Off added (new)- Premium ads related to category or randomly option added on category page (new)- Ads Moderation/Review system With one time preview to ad poster (New)- Ad delete from front-end option (New)- Tag Cloud widget limit (New)- Callout message (New)- Ads Locations block added on homepage (New)- Admin can add his own locations from backend (New)- WP admin bar hide for normal users. (New)- User profile image upload feature added. (New)- Post moderation/review on/off option added at backend. (New)- On edit post again moderation/review on/off option added at backend. (New)- New feature MY ADS added on profile page. also display edit/delete buttons, views, status and date. (New)- Regular ads expiry system included, Admin will control the whole system. (NEW)- Function added, admin can post unlimited premium ads (New)
= V 2.1 - 03 OCT 2014 =- Search with Keywords, Category, Location (Fixed)- PayPal redirect issue fixed (Fixed)- Featured ads remaining issue (Fixed)
= V 2.0 - 03 SEP 2014 =- Added WooCommerce Plugin (New)- Home Page Template with Shop (New)- Add To Favourite (New)- Follow Button (New)- Moderation ON/OFF (New)- Shop Page Added (New)- Pricing Plan Purchased Button redirect issue (Fixed)- Footer Color Change from backend (Fixed)
= V 1.0 - 12 August 2014 =- Ads Ready Options added (New)- Ads Block Plus issue fixed (Fixed)
= V 1.0 - 08 August 2014 =- Premium Slider or Featured Slider Option Added (New)- Fixed Word (Language) Change from backend Option added (New)- Pricing Plan Without user Login (Fixed)- Post Moderation (Fixed)- WP-PostRatings Plugin (Update)- User Profile Page (Updated)
= V 1.0 - 1 August 2014 =* Initial Release
Classify - Classified Ads WordPress Theme - WordPress ...
Classify ‐ Classified Ads WordPress Theme. The Classify is a Premium Classified WordPress theme, super flexible and has a fully responsive design (try resizing
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ClassifiedEngine. ClassifiedEngine is a theme that contains everything you need to build a fully functioning classifieds website with WordPress, all in one easy to
WordPress Classified Ads Theme
WordPress Classified Ads Theme. Original & most popular. Feature rich. Easy to setup. Awesome support. 35,000+ customers. Free demo.
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WordPress Classified Ads Script / Software ClassifiedTheme is a Premium WordPress theme that lets you transform your wordpress or blog website into a genuine
ClassiCraft - WordPress Classified Listing Theme | InkThemes
ClassiCraft is a WordPress classified listing theme for ads. How do you Collect the Payments using Classified Theme? ClassiCraft WordPress theme have a perfect
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Classiads Classified ads Wordpress theme The ClassiAds is a Premium Classified WordPress theme, WordPress 3.8+ ready; Membership Plans;
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Add a classified ads section to your WordPress site, some of the features of Another WordPress Classifieds Plugin. script, classified theme, classifieds,
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to develop an apps based website like online classified ads websites from scratch is really impossible to do if you are Free Classified WordPress Themes. 6.
Classifieds Theme - Wordpress Classifieds
Wordpress Classifieds Theme turns a standard Wordpress blog into a powerful, Allow visitors to pay you $$$ & submit their classified ads on your website.
Classifier | Classified Ad WordPress Themes | Colorlabs ...
Classifier WordPress theme will help you develop a classified ad website in which you can add your ads, renew your ads, delete your ads, or add or modify multimedia
Classify ‐ Classified Ads WordPress Theme. The Classify is a Premium Classified WordPress theme, super flexible and has a fully responsive design (try resizing
8 Best Classified WordPress Themes 2015 - aThemes
ClassifiedEngine. ClassifiedEngine is a theme that contains everything you need to build a fully functioning classifieds website with WordPress, all in one easy to
WordPress Classified Ads Theme
WordPress Classified Ads Theme. Original & most popular. Feature rich. Easy to setup. Awesome support. 35,000+ customers. Free demo.
WordPress Classified Theme -
WordPress Classified Ads Script / Software ClassifiedTheme is a Premium WordPress theme that lets you transform your wordpress or blog website into a genuine
ClassiCraft - WordPress Classified Listing Theme | InkThemes
ClassiCraft is a WordPress classified listing theme for ads. How do you Collect the Payments using Classified Theme? ClassiCraft WordPress theme have a perfect
Classiads - Classified Ads Wordpress Theme - WordPress ...
Classiads Classified ads Wordpress theme The ClassiAds is a Premium Classified WordPress theme, WordPress 3.8+ ready; Membership Plans;
WordPress Another WordPress Classifieds Plugin ...
Add a classified ads section to your WordPress site, some of the features of Another WordPress Classifieds Plugin. script, classified theme, classifieds,
30 Free and Premium Classified Ads Themes for Wordpress ...
to develop an apps based website like online classified ads websites from scratch is really impossible to do if you are Free Classified WordPress Themes. 6.
Classifieds Theme - Wordpress Classifieds
Wordpress Classifieds Theme turns a standard Wordpress blog into a powerful, Allow visitors to pay you $$$ & submit their classified ads on your website.
Classifier | Classified Ad WordPress Themes | Colorlabs ...
Classifier WordPress theme will help you develop a classified ad website in which you can add your ads, renew your ads, delete your ads, or add or modify multimedia