Typastic 2.5 - Beauty is Simplicity - Blogging

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Blazing Fast!

Pingdom test Typastic

The Main Features:

  • NEW: MenuBar with amazing new Options: Navigation, Tag-Filter, featured Posts, Social Sharing, Comments, Author Display we have it all!
  • NEW: 5 different Animation Styles to choose from!
  • ALL AJAX, no more pagereloads! (with caching for even faster display and url change)
  • Disqus Comments
  • Featured Post Image
  • Isolation View for Posts
  • One-on-One Email Support
  • Multilingual (works with EVERY language)
  • Flat, Clean, Elegant, Modern Design can be used for any type of website
  • Smooth Animations and scroll effects
  • Many Color Schemes
  • Built mobile first for speed (Mobile friendly)
  • Blazing fast loading time (Pingdom score 100/100)
  • Vimeo, Youtube and co support (and responsive)
  • Responsive all the way
  • Retina ready
  • Uses all the options possible from Ghost
  • Easy to install and configure, features can be turned on or off
  • 3 background covers included!
  • Extensive dummy data file included
  • HTML5 and CSS3 based
  • Clean Programming: Well organized, commented & clean code
  • Split up Code in Partials
  • Full social sharing support
  • Supports: Ghosts Pages and Ghosts featured Posts
  • Compatible with ALL Ghost versions!
  • SEO optimized
  • Fully documented
  • Syntax highlighting for 63 languages
  • Font Awesome Icons


Those features, bugfixes and improvements are going to be implemented within the next updates

- FEATURE: Soundcloud and Mixcloud support- FEATURE: Parallax scrolling- FEATURE: Rich snippets support (schema.org)- FEATURE: Facebook & Twitter meta data


Version 2.6 June 2nd, 2014 Footprint: 295 KB

After those big updates we got some feedback and put those suggestions right into Typastic

- BUGFIX: flickering of background cover before pageload - fixed!- BUGFIX: Background cover image gets preloaded so the change from isolation view to background is smooth- BUGFIX: Animations run faster and use less cpu, so it looks smooth even on old iPhone's like the 3G

Version 2.5 May 2nd, 2014 Footprint: 295 KB

Finally! It was long on our Todo-List and together with the new Tags Feature it made more sense to redo our Animation-Framework from ground up. We are very proud to annouce a even better Experience from now on it looks mind blowing! And to show it off, we added options to choose your Animation Style nice! As you know us, we even added a little bonus for you: two new Color Schemes! And the option to disable colorization of the background, so you see your background cristall clear!

- COLOR-SCHEME: red color scheme added- COLOR-SCHEME: brown color scheme added- FEATURE: Changeable post animations!- IMPROVEMENT: Completly new Animations that are more stable- IMPROVEMENT: Optimized Responsive design for Smartphones- IMPROVEMENT: New Options Panel for live preview - new options: background and animations- OPTION: "postsAnimation" to choose your Animation from: flip, bounce, fade, rotate or slide!- OPTION: "colorizeBackground" to get a transparent view!

Version 2.4 April 24th, 2014 Footprint: 262 KB

Want a fast loading page and still all the posts ready for display? No problem! We implemented the option to preload all posts in the background as soon as the page is loaded

- FEATURE: Endless preloading - can be enabled in options.hbs- OPTION: "endlessLoadAll" to enable the feature

Version 2.3 April 14th, 2014 Footprint: 261 KB

Just improved the MenuBar even further, the single post view has some special Tabs to access author and comments faster.

- FEATURE: MenuBar Comments Tab- FEATURE: MenuBar Author Tab

Version 2.2 April 5th, 2014 Footprint: 258 KB

We love our new MenuBar and added some useful features to make it even more awesome! And since we were on it, we also added support for featured Posts AND integrated it directly as a Tab into the MenuBar!

- FEATURE: MenuBar Tag Filter Tab- FEATURE: MenuBar Featured Posts Tab- FEATURE: MenuBar Social Sharing Tab- IMPROVEMENT: Post titles bold font

Version 2.1 March 27th, 2014 Footprint: 252 KB

Ghost rocked out the option of static pages, as soon as we heard that we implemented a all new MenuBar to navigate to your static pages.

- FEATURE: MenuBar with Navigation for static Pages- IMPROVEMENT: Comment Button at end of Post bigger- OPTION: "menuBar" to disable the MenuBar- OPTION: "navTabLinks" to enter your Naviagtion Links- BUGFIX: To thin Font in Safari issue corrected

Version 2.0 January 26th, 2014 Footprint: 247 KB

All new Documentation, beautiful and more informative than ever!

- IMPROVEMENT: All new Documentation!!!

Version 1.9 January 25th, 2014

Disqus Comments give your readers a voice!

- FEATURE: Disqus comments

Version 1.8 January 14th, 2014

Analytics Code works again!

- FIX: analytics Code error with new Ghost 0.4, now you can paste the whole tracking snippet - easy!

Version 1.7 Dezember 10th, 2013

Link to every social account you can imagine!

- OPTION: accounts to configure the links- FEATURE: social links and icons in the author box- FEATURE: new social account support for: Dribbble, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Skype and Flickr

Version 1.6 Dezember 8th, 2013

- IMPROVEMENT: Smooth animations for all transitions, including Ajax- IMPROVEMENT: even faster loading and page speed- FEATURE: color theme switcher for live preview 

Version 1.5.6 November 25th, 2013

- IMPROVEMENT: featured Images get preloaded, all time ready for display!

Version 1.5.5 November 16th, 2013

- FEATURE: Syntax Highlighting for 63 languages!- OPTION: **syntaxHighlighter** to disable Syntax highlighting

Version 1.5 November 12th, 2013

AJAX all the way! From now on Typastic is completely dynamic if you want! No more page loads, all gets pulled in behind the scenes!

- FEATURE: all Dynamic via AJAX- FEATURE: caching of past AJAX-requests for instant display- FEATURE: dynamic browser URL change on AJAX posts- OPTION: **allDynamic** to disable AJAX loading

Version 1.4 November 12th, 2013

Featured images are here! We took the time to get a unique implementation that fits to Typastic. With this came the solution of a isolation view for the post.

- FEATURE: featured post image- FEATURE: isolation view for post- OPTION: **featuredMedia** to disable featured images (as well as videos and sound when implemented)- BUGFIX: post slide in on scroll down when loaded per endless scrolling

Version 1.3 November 9th, 2013

Infinite scrolling is here! Not only have we integrated it nicely into Typastic, we also handcrafted a beautiful retina-ready css3 animation for the loading AND we also made a special effort and wrote a custom script typasticEndless.js to do all the magic. This way it was possible to preserve the first class loading time and even give you the option to disable it easily through the options.hbs and have the good old pagination back.

- FEATURE: infinite scrolling- FEATURE: "options.hbs" partial for easy customization- FEATURE: Google Analytics Tracking Support- FEATURE: "analytics_code" partial for easy setup of Google Analytics- OPTION: **endlessScroll** to disable endless scrolling- BUGFIX: background cover scales now centered (before it was left orientated)

Version 1.2 November 5th, 2013

Ready for every language, two more color schemes and even easier switching between them! We implemented a completely new way to change the scheme, just change the keyword in colorscheme.hbs (ex. white to blue) and it is applied! This way it was possible to make the already outstanding loading time even lightly faster than before!

- COLOR-SCHEME: blue color scheme added- COLOR-SCHEME: green color scheme added- IMPROVEMENT: usable in every language!- IMPROVEMENT: easy color scheme change with "colorscheme.hbs" - IMPROVEMENT: arrow on author box

Version 1.1 October 30th, 2013

This is a major update with some nice features!

- FEATURE: CSS3 animations for various small details- FEATURE: custom made flip animation for author box on post page- FEATURE: new and retina ready icons!- FEATURE: back to list arrow on post page- FEATURE: collapsing arrows for page navigation- FEATURE: responsive video embeds (Youtube, Vimeo...)- BUGFIX: orientation change for author box on small screens- IMPROVEMENT: responsive design and special layouts

Customer Feedbacks:

<3 your theme kd1987

the theme is very elegant jorgeolivero

real great theme - brunomendesdias

Following Text is just for SEO, stop reading

Typastic is a lightning fast, elegant, fully responsive, retina ready theme, which will look great on desktop, tablet and mobile devices. We prepared various colour themes for you you can choose the color which suits you better: white, orange, green, blue or black. But the most important thing is your content, this is the main point of Typastic your content is king! Besides supports Typastic your style by displaying the blog cover over the whole screen, big time! Youre writing your blog in a other language? No worries, Typastic has you covered no matter if you write german (deutsch), spanish (español), italian (italiano),french (français), japanese (???), chinese (???),russian (???), or hebrew (?), it is made for your language!IT IS MADE FOR YOU! It should be normal, it should be like that since years! Still is it a privilege to get a theme which supports EVERY LANGUAGE! We do everything to change that situation!

EVERY THEME from DBod is ready for YOUR LANGUAGE! No matter what language you write in, install the Theme and its gonna work we take care about the rest!

Write as you like, write as much you like, write in the language you like!Typastic has you covered! We are famous for the usability of our work, it should be easy for every one to get Typastic set up and ready to go in no time!

An Effort to ease the deployment of Typastic are the premade colorschemes. Just choose your style and you are done!

Beautiful, easy and userfriendly Typastic!

Best pratice meets perfectly optimized HTML5 Code. Not only is Typastic the fastest Thing out there, its also written in completly valid W3 Code. We pushed ourself to provide you a theme that loads as little data as possible and still kicks ass when it comes to functionality and style!

After a lot of work, Search-Engines love Typastic as much as our happy Customers do!

Welcome to the Typastic World, nothing is impossilble! What is the difference between a custom made theme and a stock theme?The answer; OPTIONS! Ways to make the theme YOUR OWN!

Well, every feature that is implemented and every thing thats gonna come in the feature, can be turned off or turned back on with ease!

And the best thing: IF YOU THINK THERES A OPTION/FEATURE MISSING, JUST WRITE A MAIL AND WE IMPLEMENT IT! There came a point in the webindustry, where it became possible to animate Stuff with plain CSS. By now this technology came so far to use it in production.And man, it Rocks!

With a lot of Love, we implemented some pretty unique animations that will take your breath. It is all so smooth that it feels just right!

Animations are definitly just a Nice to Have, BUT it is impossible to go back to a static theme after you have experienced Typastics smoothness! Do you have some awesome photo or screenshot for your new post? Show off with it! Put it to the beginning of your post to use it as featured image and

BOOOM you get a dynamic fullscreen display for it, right on the posts list!

Every Post with a featured image gets a little image icon on the posts list, by clicking on it some magic happens: all other posts fly off the screen and the post image gets displayed fullscreen! It is beautiful and simple, the Author Box! Besides all of your posts, theres your avatar picture. Simple and beautifully it follows your scrolling, always ready to be clicked.

The real Beatuy lays within it, click it! The Author Box appears!

In there weve managed to display: your name, your author cover picture, your description, your mail, your website and all possilbe social platform links.

You can configure your flickr, skype, linkedin, twitter, facebook and dribbble accounts!

For us, page relaods are out of style since Woodstock! Since years, all of our products are completly dynamic!

Pages get preloaded, before clicking on it! Thanks to our caching engine nothing gets loaded twice! Endless scrolling takes posts list to the next level and all content is loaded dynamicaly.

We love Javascript and are freaking ninjas when it comes to dynamic pages! We are proud to say; ALL DYNAMIC IS REALITY! It is important to us to make sure that every Buyer has a incredible experience using Typastic! It is important that you get the most out of our theme!

Therefore we have a dedicated Support Team helping you to solve any themes-related issues in timely and efficient manner.

So by buying Typastic you not only get the most advanced theme, you also get Premium Support FOR FREE!

Typastic 2.5 - Beauty is Simplicity - Blogging | ThemeForest
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Typastic 2.5 - Beauty is Simplicity | Themplio.com
Typastic 2.5 - Beauty is Simplicity Blazing After those big updates we got some feedback and put those suggestions right into Typastic Version 2.5 May 2nd

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