Current Version: 1.5 (View Changelog)
The Catalog is a simple yet very complete Tumblr Theme focused on getting all your photos, text, videos, audio in a catalog-like format. All posts are showed as thumbnails and you can see more by clicking them. Its a responsive theme that works well in different screen sizes.It has a slider that fetches posted photos based on a special tag.
- Homepage/Tag list with thumbnails
- Responsive web design
- Optional Slider (created from chosen posts)
- Boxed or wide layout
- All post types
- Titles in all post types (including photo and video)
- Search
- Custom colors
- Google WebFonts
- Discus comments
- Footer Widgets: About / Twitter / Flickr / Dribbble / Instagram / Likes / Following / Social Media
- Localization
- Logo as an image
- Pages and Ask form supported
- Customizable navigation (based on tags)
- Google Analytics ready
- Facebook share optimized
- Social Network links: Behance, Coroflot, DeviantART, Dribbble, Ebay, Envato, Facebook, Flickr, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, SoundCloud, Twitter, Vimeo, YouTube and Zerply
- JQuery Library
- Jribbble.js A jQuery plugin for fetching shots from the Dribbble API.
- Sticky Footer A simple, lightweight sticky footer plugin for jQuery (by Todd Francis).
- Timeago A jQuery plugin that makes it easy to support automatically updating timestamps
- FitVids.js A lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin for fluid width video embeds.
- JQuery Fullsizable jQuery lightbox plugin to take full available browser space for image viewing.
- ResponsiveSlides.js Simple & lightweight responsive slider plugin (in 1kb)
- jQInstaPics a simple jQuery plugin that enables you to display the latest pics from your Instagram feed on your website or blog.
- Back to top Link adapted from WebDesigners Wall
- Script to display or hide content in the homepage by Nelson Martins (created specially for The Catalog Tumblr theme)
- Fontello icon fonts generator
- Google Analytics
- Disqus
- Droid Sans by Steve Matteson | Google WebFonts
- All photos and illustrations on the demo site by Patricia Carvalho
v.1.5 (April 29, 2014):
- Added: New toggle navigation for small screens.
- Added: New option to Enable Strong as Title.
- Added: Show Notes option.
- Added: Enable Disqus option.
- Added: Two additional custom nav tags.
- Added: Give Credit Option.
- Added: Header HTML Code.
- Added: Footer Custom Code.
- Added: Comments background color.
- Added: Keywords option (SEO).
- Updated: Flickr plugin replaced.
- Updated: Dribbble plugin replaced.
- Updated: FitVids script (1.1).
- Improved: Permalink page (content page) completely redesigned.
- Improved: Optimization of the code for more rendering speed.
v.1.4 (Oct 15, 2013):
- Added: Option to show pagination on top/bottom.
- Added: Page numbers to pagination (optional).
- Added: Submit functionality.
- Fixed: Photoset display with captions.
- Fixed: Instagram widget is now working.
- Updated: Dribbble widget script.
- Updated: FitVids script.
v.1.3 (July 3, 2013):
- Added: Option to center logo (and top nav).
- Added: Like / Reblog Tumblr buttons.
- Added: Answer post type.
- Added: Mouse-over link/effect over audio thumbnails.
- Added: Video images as thumbnails (new Tumblr feature).
- Added: Optional slider on all (listing) pages.
- Added: Option to enable real size images (instead of enlarged to full width in the photo post page).
- Fixed: Pagination link on homepage (only showing bottom).
- Fixed: Removed Tweetable (stopped working) and added Tumblrs Twitter JS.
- Changed: Default colors to be the same as the Catalog demo site.
- Improved: Most JS is now inline making the theme faster (less calls to the server).
v.1.2 (May 14, 2013):
- Added: Sticky footer.
- Added: Boxed layout option.
- Added: Background color and image option.
- Fixed: Removed pagination when theres only one page.
- Fixed: Previous / Next buttons position on mobile.
- Fixed: Tag caption missing in audio post and photoset post pages.
- Fixed: Multiple CSS fixes.
- Changed: Lightbox has a new code (fits the entire screen).
- Changed: Improved thumbnails for audio posts.
- Changed: Footer links are now centered.
- Changed: Dribbble.js to inline js for faster loading.
- Updated: Fontello code for icon fonts.
- Updated: Audio pages (all audio plug-ins are now displaying correctly).
- Updated: Timeago JQuery to 1.1.0.
- Updated: JQuery version to latest version.
v.1.1 (Mar 21, 2013):
- Added: Following Widget (footer).
- Added: Likes Widget (footer).
- Added: Instagram Widget (footer).
- Added: Search title on footer when Social Media widget is turned off.
- Added: Support for Black and Grey AudioPlayer.
- Added: Optional location of the Pages links on the top navigation.
- Added: Support for Tumblrs Photoset layout (as a theme option).
- Added: Optional field for Homepage thumbnails.
- Added: Optional field for Twitter username.
- Fixed: Pagination ordering in listings (was reversed).
- Changed: New position for Audio Player (on permalink page).
- Changed: Minor code cleanup.
v.1.0 (Jan 23, 2013):
Please send me any questions that you have or any bugs you find (or any feature that you would like to see added) to I will be happy to help and would be very useful to keep this theme updated, improved and bug-free.
The Catalog Tumblr Theme - Tumblr | ThemeForest
Current Version: 1.5 (View Changelog) The Catalog is a simple yet very complete Tumblr Theme focused on getting all your photos, text, videos, audio in a catalog-like
Themes | Tumblr
The Single A tumblr theme introduces two new features: A tile based masonry Tumblr theme, perfect for any type of Tumblr blogger. Flare. by alokrmohapatra.
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Beautiful and highly-customizable free Tumblr themes, Follow us on Tumblr for new theme announcements, and updates to themes. Olle Ota Themes; Themes; Features;
Download-The Catalog Tumblr Theme v1.5
Download-The Catalog Tumblr Theme v1.5. admin 8 days ago Themes, Tumblr Leave a comment 1 Views.
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Splash Magazine 45+ Best Tumblr Themes For Your Inspiration
45+ Best Tumblr Themes For Your Inspiration June 11, 2013 // By: Andy // Web Design // 6 Comments. Using one of the best Tumblr themes is vital in establishing an
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people looking for themes School's getting hectic and I rarely ever make themes anymore so I'm going on a really long hiatus. Follow on Tumblr. RSS feed.
Current Version: 1.5 (View Changelog) The Catalog is a simple yet very complete Tumblr Theme focused on getting all your photos, text, videos, audio in a catalog-like
Themes | Tumblr
The Single A tumblr theme introduces two new features: A tile based masonry Tumblr theme, perfect for any type of Tumblr blogger. Flare. by alokrmohapatra.
Olle Ota Themes | Free Tumblr Themes
Beautiful and highly-customizable free Tumblr themes, Follow us on Tumblr for new theme announcements, and updates to themes. Olle Ota Themes; Themes; Features;
Download-The Catalog Tumblr Theme v1.5
Download-The Catalog Tumblr Theme v1.5. admin 8 days ago Themes, Tumblr Leave a comment 1 Views.
Free tumblr themes!
Free tumblr themes for you! At themes that you like we offer next to the simple standard tumblr layouts cool premium tumblr themes for you.
Splash Magazine 45+ Best Tumblr Themes For Your Inspiration
45+ Best Tumblr Themes For Your Inspiration June 11, 2013 // By: Andy // Web Design // 6 Comments. Using one of the best Tumblr themes is vital in establishing an
Welcome To A themes
Welcome to Athemes; a free Tumblr theme and resource blog. Before asking, please check this tag. I hope you enjoy my themes! Thanks for visiting!
Themes by Cats & Coffee
& easy to install tumblr themes for C-C-Themes is a theme & resource blog run and edited by Shannon of "> Cats & Coffee. I provide free
Tumblr Themes - ThemesLtd
Tumblr Themes Tumblr Theme Generator Tumblr Hit Counter Online Users Counter Tumblr Music Players Tumblr Cursors Tumblr Follower Counter Finding Tumblr Themes is
people looking for themes School's getting hectic and I rarely ever make themes anymore so I'm going on a really long hiatus. Follow on Tumblr. RSS feed.