Supple is a very versatile portfolio theme for Tumblr, aimed mainly at creatives: designer, illustrators, photographers, and any kind of visual artists.
Supple flexible portfolio grid lets you set the number of columns to display for different screen resolutions and devices. Additionally, you can set the grid gutter and the thumbnails proportions: landscape, portrait, square, and anything in between.
- Responsive layoutyour portfolio looks great on phones, tablets and desktops.
- Flexible portfolio griddefine your thumbnails aspect ratio: portrait, landscape, square.
- Retina readySupple uses a combination of raster and webfont icons and serves high resolution images to high pixel density displays.
- Custom image logoupload your own standard and high resolution logo images.
- Responsive homepage sliderdisplay up to five image slides, with optional heading and subheading and custom colors.
- Responsive photosetsdisplay your photosets using Tumblr traditional layouts, albeit completely responsive. You can optionally enable a slider for your photoset permalink pages.
- Dynamically load the next set of portfolio projects on the homepage with Ajax.
- Twitter, Flickr, Dribbble and Instagram feeds.
- Spotify supportresponsive Spotify embeds that adapt to any screen size.
- Support for all of Tumblr post types, including video from Vimeo and YouTube, SoundCloud and Spotify Embeds.
- Google Web Fonts for body text, heading and titles through the site.
- Social icons: Behance, deviantArt, Dribbble, Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Instagram, LastFM, LinkedIn, MySpace, Picasa, Pinterest, SoundCloud, Twitter, Vimeo, YouTube.
- Disqus comment count and Disqus comment threads.
- Customizable footer: enable or disable individual footer columns and widgets: About, Text Widget, Flickr, Dribbble, Instagram, Ask Me Anything.
- Filter posts by tagdefine up to ten custom tags to enable your visitors to sort your portfolio by project type.
- Easy Google Analytics implementation.
- Support for static pages.
- Ask and Submit enabled.
- Optionally disable additional media queries.
- Chock-full of optionsall colors can be changed from the customization dashboard, plus there are plenty of options to adapt the theme to your specific needs.
- Comprehensive documentation.
v1.5.0 July 19, 2015
- New: Masonry layout mode for the portfolio grid.
- New: Option to open image lightbox from the grid (for Photo and Photoset posts.)
- Fixed: Wrongly truncated text on lightbox captions.
- Miscellaneous styling fixes and improvements.
v1.4.3 June 23, 2015
- New: Support for full-width inline images on post descriptions.
- Fixed: In some cases the top navigation would only be visible after the initial page load.
- Fixed: Dont show slider controls when it displays a single slide.
- Minor CSS fixes.
v1.4.2 March 27, 2015
- Fixed: Homepage and photosets sliders fire only after the first image has been loaded.
- Updated FlexSlider to v2.4.0
v1.4.1 December 5, 2014
- Fixed: Slider captions CSS issue when caption text wraps.
- Fixed: Slider timing issues when animation speed is greater than slider timeout.
v1.4.0 September 5, 2014
- New: Optionally use thumbnail images for text-based posts.
- New: Options to display a Welcome Message on the homepage.
- New: Added small thumbnail preview to Link posts permalink pages.
- New: Etsy and Shop social icons.
- New: CSS styles for buttons.
- Fixed: Loading more posts with Ajax on tag pages would throw an error if the tag had special characters.
- Minor CSS and JavaScript fixes.
v1.3.2b August 8, 2014
- Fixed: Custom thumbnail images for photo/photoset posts on retina devices.
v1.3.2 July 3, 2014
- Fixed: Automatic video thumbnails when caption isnt set for the post.
- Improved: Redid the grid logic to prevent unresponsive posts from stalling page loading.
v1.3.1 June 24, 2014
- Fixed: Loading posts with Ajax on tag pages whose tag contains spaces between words.
v1.3.0 June 10, 2014
- New: Options to set number of grid columns for different screen resolutions/devices.
- New: Set a portfolio grid gutter for a gapless grid or separation between thumbs.
- New: Option to display the portfolio grid at full width.
- New: Option to display a faux fullwidth footer.
- New: Endless scroll.
- New: Option to display the logo as text.
- New: Option to open permalink pages on new browser tab.
- New: Added Reddit, Spotify, Rdio and Email social icons.
- New: Optionally show like and reblog buttons on permalink pages.
- New: Custom thumbnail images for Photo and Photoset posts (independent from the ones on the set).
- New: Options to set search-box background color and opacity.
- New: Option to hide the slider on tag pages.
- New: Separate configuration options for photoset sliders.
- New: Scroll-to-top button.
- New: Option to use Tumblrs own lightbox instead of the one shipped with the theme.
- New: Option to cap photosets to a certain width.
- New: Loading spinner to indicate progress.
- Improved: Navigation dropdown menus respond faster to mouse interaction.
- Improved: Faster/smoother animations/transitions whenever possible.
v1.2.0 August 3, 2013
- New: Option to use Google Fonts script subsets to extend the default Latin characters support.
- New: Option to relocate Tumblr controls iframe so it doesnt conflict with navigation and searchbox on certain screen sizes or devices.
- New: Better options to disable header and footer gradients.
- New: Society6 social icon.
- Fixed: Better support for Tumblr hosted video files.
- Fixed: Increase Ask widget height so the Ask button is visible again.
v1.1.1 June 27, 2013
- JavaScript: fix an issue when retrieving cover art for embedded videos using the Vimeo API.
v1.1 June 10, 2013
- Added options to show Like and Reblog button on portfolio thumbnails.
- Added social media icons for Blogger, Quora and 500px.
- Added option to prevent image upscaling.
- Minor JavasScript fixes and CSS improvements.
v1.0.3 March 19, 2013
- Improved support for the SoundCloud widget for audio posts embeds.
- Uses Tumblr native tweets.js script for compatibility with the new Twitter v1.1 API.
v1.0.2 March 05, 2013
- Fixes an issue with photosets not displaying properly on the iPad sometimes.
v1.0.1 January 28, 2013
- JavaScript: fixes an issue when Vimeo video thumbnails wouldnt be available on the homepage if using a HTTPS URL to embed the video when creating the post.
- Fixes an issue when sometimes images inserted into static pages wouldnt show up.
v1.0 January 18, 2013
Click here for a list of the resources used in the making of this theme.
Images used in the demos
These amazingly talented illustrators and designers were generous enough to let their work be displayed on the theme demos.
Jira Jiramakorn
Brian Luong
Ignacio Valicenti
Paul Nolan
Supple is a very versatile portfolio theme for Tumblr, aimed mainly at creatives: designer, illustrators, photographers, and any kind of visual artists.
Supple Theme Supple is a versatile portfolio Tumblr ...
Supple is a versatile portfolio Tumblr theme by /PixelMoxie?ref=PixelMoxie" target="_blank">Pixel Supple is a versatile portfolio Tumblr theme by
Supple - Supple is a versatile portfolio Tumblr theme by ...
Supple is a versatile portfolio Tumblr theme by Pixel Moxie. Its aimed at creatives, and allows you to display your work in a grid-like fashion. Supple offers
Supple - A Portfolio Theme for Tumblr free download nulled ...
Supple is a very versatile portfolio theme for Tumblr, aimed mainly at creatives: designer, illustrators, photographers, and any kind of visual artists.
Portfolio | Tumblr
A simple multi column portfolio theme for displaying your work. Go to customize on your tumblr theme and paste your Access Token and Instagram ID on the left side;
Supple : Minimalist WordPress Portfolio Theme - Mojo Themes
Supple : Minimalist WordPress Portfolio Theme. Screenshots Live Demo. Information; Tumblr Themes; HTML / CSS Themes; PSD Templates; Email Templates; Plugins
20 Free and Premium Tumblr Portfolio Themes - XDesigns
Tumblr Portfolio Tumblr is a popular blogging platform and perfect for use 20 Free and Premium Tumblr Portfolio Themes Supple Metro Tumblr Portfolio Theme. 19. Supple Theme &ndash Supple is ... Social Media and Website Analysis. Supple Theme &ndash Supple is a versatile portfolio Tumblr theme by Pixel Moxie.
Make a portfolio | Themes | Tumblr
a Tumblr theme developed in collaboration by FiftyThree & ALLDAYEVERYDAY, An infinitely customizable portfolio theme. Instant loading lightboxes. PixelMoxie's Supple ... Social Media and Website PixelMoxie's Supple - Supple is a versatile portfolio Tumblr theme by Pixel Moxie.