Fluxus is a magazine inspired Wordpress theme. It features a horizontal portfolio layout, which allows you to showcase your work side by side. Just like we are used to see it in print. It focuses on big images, minimal design, beautiful typography, so that your content stands out first.
Theme Features
- Horizontal layout (for portfolio and blog)
- Flexible grid portfolio layout (horizontal and vertical with support of different image sizes)
- Fully responsive (optimized for iPhone and iPad)
- Full page slider (with custom positioned titles, auto slideshow and different animation options)
- Video support in blog and portfolio
- Sharing tools integration (Facebook Like, Tweet, G+ and others)
- Shortcodes (for Gallery, Typography, Buttons, Tabs and more)
- Post formats support (Video, Quote, Link, Aside)
- Retina ready (high resulution assets)
- Multiple language support using WPML plugin
- Translation ready (.po/.mo files included)
- Google Maps integration
- White and Black skins
- Layered PSD files
- Threaded comments support (on posts and pages)
- 3 Custom menu areas
- Theme options
- Demo XML content
- Detailed documentation
New features as of version 1.4
- Vertical grid portfolio with flexible image size support
- WPML plugin support
- Accent color picker
- Vertical layout for blog
- Video support in portfolio projects
- Lazy loading of project images
- Password protected posts
- New slider animations
Please note that demo images and content are not included in the download. They are used with a permission of their authors.
Version 1.4.1 - 24.03.2015Upgrade note: The update introduces few changes to image sizes. This requires you to regenerate your images. Update your theme and use 'Regenerate Thumbnails' plugin to automatically resize your images to newly introduced sizes.Improved: Increased image size on Horizontal Blog to prevent pixelation when viewed on mobile devices.Improved: Horizontal Portfolio no longer has 'View Work' button. Instead all image is clickable. There is an option under Appearance > Theme Options to bring back the previous behaviour.Improved: Other projects will use smaller images for thumbnails to improve performance.Fixed: When clicked on the image in Lightbox to go to next image it would go to previous image instead.Fixed: Project videos playback in LightboxFixed: JS errors in admin area when trying to configure Page with BackgroundFixed: Gallery shortcode will work with images that are smaller than 500x500Version 1.4 - 22.02.2015Added: Completely new mobile menu with support for child page navigation and custom background image.Added: Grid Portfolio supports cropping point selection for each individual image.Improved: Retina support in Grid Portfolio, Vertical and Horizontal blog.Improved: HTTPS support by loading external resources over HTTPS by default.Improved: Lightbox will show loading message only if it takes longer than 1 second.Improved: [gallery link="none"] shortcode will prevent Lightbox from appearing when clicked on an image.Improved: Few JS and PHP code changes to increase performance.Fixed: Footer overlapping issue on Grid Portfolio page when viewed on mobile devices.Fixed: alt attribute missing for featured post images.Fixed: styling issues caused by WP Admin Bar (it is still disabled by default).Version 1.3.3 - 15.09.2014Fixed: Warning message when using Wordpress 4.0Fixed: Project ordering on Wordpres 4.0 now worksFixed: Project ordering issues on Project Type pages when using Wordpress 3+Fixed: Footer would overlap images on grid portfolio in specific cases.Version 1.3.2 - 19.05.2014Fixed: "Not Found" issue when sharing page via Facebook shareFixed: Favicon now can be added via Appearance > CustomizeFixed: Accent colour now takes effect in Other Project sectionImproved: Lightbox changes cursor into right and left arrows depending on the action that would happen if a user click on the image.Version 1.3.1 - 05.05.2014Fixed: Permalinks issue that resulted in "Not Found" errors when accessing projects.Fixed: Display issue when a grid has only few items.Version 1.3 - 05.05.2014Notable change: css/user.css file moved to user.css so that the file can be edited via Appearance > Editor.Added: Vertical grid layout with support for different image sizes and fixed aspect ratios.Added: Multiple language support using WPML plugin.Added: Accent color can be changed via Appearance > Customize.Added: Facebook Share button to social sharing button list.Improved: Every graphic asset is available in high resolution and look sharp on high-definition (Retina) devices.Improved: Images in Lightbox can be navigated by clicking anywhere on the right or left sides (to to to next and previous accordingly.Fixed: iPad mini scrolling issue.Fixed: Comment styling issues when using JetPack plugin.Fixes: Lightbox scaling issue.Fixed: Project order issues when filtered by project type.Fixed: Contact form issues, when placed inside a scrollable container.Fixed: Videos in blog posts no longer lose aspect ratio when resizing.Fixed: Website title is no longer repeated twice when using SEO optimization plugins.Fixed: Vertical blog page no longer crops images that exceed 328px in height.Version 1.2.6 - 03.12.2013Fixed: iPad with iOS7 no longer auto scrolls to the top on pages with vertical scroll bar.Fixed: Project media items in admin section now works with older (3.5+) Wordpress versions.Fixed: Pinterest social icon.Improved: Mouse wheel navigation on project pages.Improved: Social icons so they share same style and size.Improved: Various dark skin style improvements.Version 1.2.5 - 18.11.2013Added: Ability to toggle comments for pages and posts using Screen Options > Discussion > Allow comments option.Added: YouTube, Behance and 500px social icons.Added: Project type description is displayed in the sidebar.Added: Category description is displayed on category archive page.Fixed: iOS7 Safari bug that used to allow vertical scrolling on horizontal pages.Fixed: Strict standards error in wp_nav_menu.Fixed: IE9 issues with portfolio page.Fixed: Page not found error on password protected projects when "Hide password protected projects" option is active.Fixed: Facebook Like button no longer should get cut off.Fixed: Pinterest is now able to find images on Grid Portfolio.Fixed: "Like This Project?" section not working on screens with small height.Improved: Thumbnail quality on vertical blog page.Improved: Scroll bars on contacts page and page with background scrollable by dragging.Improved: Allow new line in project's custom info content.Version 1.2.4 - 23.09.2013Added: Click to navigate option for project images. Clicking on project image will scroll to the next one.Added: Ability to disable lightbox on project pages.Added: Option to hide featured image on single post page.Added: Skype icon can be included in the footer via Theme Options.Fixed: Project media order issues. Order is now saved after clicking "Update".Fixed: iPad crashing when viewing large galleries.Fixed: iPad sizing issues when changing orientation, featured images on horizontal portfolio are now clickable.Fixed: Few other tiny fixes (shortcodes, sidebar visual issues, performance improvements)Changed: Image upscale option now takes an effect for videos as well. If disabled, then project videos will not exceed their dimensions provided in the embed code.Changed: Project Types are no longer hard coded in the sidebar. They are available as a widget and can be easily added or omitted.Version 1.2.3 - 28.05.2013Added: Basic support for IE8.Added: Theme option to show Full Page Slider navigation on all times rather than on hover.Fixed: iPad sidebar text is no longer cut off.Fixed: Pinterest is now able to find images to pin on Full Page Slider.Fixed: Google Plus overlapping text "Recommend this on Google" removed.Fixed: Link color in image captions on dark skin.Fixed: Issues uploading image files on Wordpress Admin, when image sizes cannot be determinated.Improved: Full Page Slider fades in on page load.Version 1.2.2 - 22.05.2013Added: Image upscale setting in Theme Options.Fixed: Error due to missing user.php file.Fixed: Project ordering now works on Project Type pages as well.Fixed: Unnecessary padding removed from sidebar making it a bit wider.Fixed: Active item highlighting issues.Fixed: Issue uploading .ico files to be used as favicon.Fixed: Text alignment issue on pages with featured images.Fixed: Open project external link in a new tab.Version 1.2.1 - 09.05.2013Added: Project images will use attachment title as an alt text. If description is present, then it will be used instead.Fixed: Navigation using arrows.Fixed: Mouse wheel in project sidebar does no longer scroll main window.Fixed: Videos in projects will upscale until to a maximum width which fits in browser window.Fixed: Dark skin scrollbar and alignment issues.Fixed: Vertical blog displaying issues on Safari (iOS verion was affected as well).Version 1.2 - 06.05.2013Added: Vertical layout for blog posts.Added: Different slider animations.Added: Ability to use grid or horizontal portfolio layout to display different project types.Added: Lazy loading for project images.Added: Other projects section now can show projects that belong to a specific project type.Added: Theme options that allows to disable "Other Projects" and "Like this project?" sections.Updated: Other projects design.Improved: Pinterest sharing now allows to pin multiple images from a page.Improved: Performance improvements.Fixed: Images no longer upscale when sceen size is bigger than the image.Fixed: Header overlapping issues caused when some servers were not able to determinate logo image size.Fixed: Facebook and G+ sharing thumbnails.Fixed: Grid portfolio navigation with arrows makes sure no image is cut by the end of the sceen.Fixed: Lightbox resizing issues.Changed: Lightbox no longer slides in from the top, but rather fades in and looks cooler.Changed: Date format in blog is shown according to the one specified in Wordpress settings. Use "M j" setting for the best look.Version 1.1.2 - 11.03.2013Added: Posibility not to show featured image inside project page.Fixed: iPad issue displaying portfolio in portrait mode.Fixed: Issue that prevented from sorting / deleting project media on specific server configurations.Fixed: Issue of images disapearing on Horizontal portfolio.Fixed: Arrow navigation now puts images and videos in the center of the screen.Version 1.1.1 - 6.03.2013Added: Site description option (note that if you use any kind of SEO plugin, you should disable Fluxus meta tags in Theme Options).Added: Grid Portfolio can be used for displaying projects filtered by Project Type.Added: Instagram Social Icon.Fixed: Contact From style when using dark skin.Fixed: Mobile issues with Video in Projects.Fixed: Pinterest on project pages will pin project featured image.Fixed: Full Page Slider arrow now goes to the right direction.Fixed: Google Plus Sharing.Version 1.1 - 27.02.2013Added: Video support in portfolio.Added: Multiple portfolios using hierarchial Project Types.Added: New project media admin interface.Added: Project image descriptions.Fixed: Slide without title and description showing white stripe.Version 1.0.6 - 04.02.2013Added: Automatic Slideshow.Added: Full Page Slider fit image scaling option.Fixed: Dark theme improvements.Fixed: Full Page Slider improvements.Version 1.0.5 - 30.01.2013Fixed: Images in portfolio become disorted when screen is bigger than the image itself.Fixed: Image attachment navigation buttons.Fixed: Blog date does not fit in one line in some cases.Fixed: Images in widgets does not automatically scale.Fixed: Share functionality now gets disabled if there are now sharing networks chosen.Version 1.0.4 - 29.01.2013Fixed: HTML tags allowed in Copyright info.Fixed: Logo issue on Safari and Chrome.Version 1.0.3 - 28.01.2013Added: Container scrollbars in Page with Background and Contacts page.Added: Google Plus social network.Added: Typography improvements in Project page.Fixed: Big logos no longer overlap content area.Fixed: Project info section mousewheel fix.Fixed: Send Message button works even if Google Maps API key was not added.Fixed: Contact form popup now fits perfectly on iPhone.Version 1.0.2 - 25.01.2013Fixed: Switching skins in Theme Options now works.Fixed: Quote Post Format issue.Version 1.0.1 - 24.01.2013Fixed: Issue with Lightbox, when Share buttons get overlaid on top.Fixed: Resizing issue with Lightbox.
Fluxus - Portfolio Theme for Photographers - WordPress ...
Fluxus is a magazine inspired Wordpress theme. It features a horizontal portfolio layout, which allows you to showcase your work side by side.
Fluxus - Portfolio Theme for Photographers Download ...
Fluxus is a magazine inspired Wordpress theme. Photographers; portfolio; Portfolio Wordpress Themes; Responsive Wordpress Themes; SHARE! Facebook. Twitter. tweet;
Support for Fluxus - Portfolio Theme for Photographers ...
Support for Fluxus - Portfolio Theme for Photographers A common issue that can occur with users new to installing WordPress themes is a "Broken theme and/or
Fluxus portfolio theme for creatives
Fluxus is a magazine inspired portfolio theme. Fluxus Theme. A magazine style portfolio theme for photographers & artists.
Fluxus, WordPress Portfolio Photographers Theme | WP Download
fluxus wordpress theme is a magazine inspired Wordpress theme. It features a portfolio horizontal Home » Photography » Fluxus, WordPress Portfolio Photographers
Documentation Fluxus v1.1 - inTheme
Fluxus. Wordpress portfolio theme for photographers. Photographers are very picture It contains Fluxus theme files. Rename that fluxus folder to something
Responsive Fluxus WordPress Theme for Photography ...
Download Fluxus WordPress Theme. Are you wondering of a fabulous online platform that will expose the photo works beautifully with all glory? Here is a spectacular
Fluxus - Portfolio Theme for Photographers | Free Template ...
Photographer - A WordPress Theme For Photographers; Download the theme Fluxus Portfolio Theme for Photographers on freethemewordpress.com
Fluxus - Portfolio Theme for Photographers + Download
http://bit.ly/XA2Oiu Fluxus is a magazine inspired Wordpress theme. It features a portfolio Fluxus is a magazine inspired Wordpress theme.
Download Fluxus Wordpress Theme 1.3.3 - Portfolio Theme ...
Fluxus is a magazine inspired Wordpress theme. It features a horizontal portfolio layout, Tags: photography, portfolio. Report Broken Link. Issue: *
Fluxus is a magazine inspired Wordpress theme. It features a horizontal portfolio layout, which allows you to showcase your work side by side.
Fluxus - Portfolio Theme for Photographers Download ...
Fluxus is a magazine inspired Wordpress theme. Photographers; portfolio; Portfolio Wordpress Themes; Responsive Wordpress Themes; SHARE! Facebook. Twitter. tweet;
Support for Fluxus - Portfolio Theme for Photographers ...
Support for Fluxus - Portfolio Theme for Photographers A common issue that can occur with users new to installing WordPress themes is a "Broken theme and/or
Fluxus portfolio theme for creatives
Fluxus is a magazine inspired portfolio theme. Fluxus Theme. A magazine style portfolio theme for photographers & artists.
Fluxus, WordPress Portfolio Photographers Theme | WP Download
fluxus wordpress theme is a magazine inspired Wordpress theme. It features a portfolio horizontal Home » Photography » Fluxus, WordPress Portfolio Photographers
Documentation Fluxus v1.1 - inTheme
Fluxus. Wordpress portfolio theme for photographers. Photographers are very picture It contains Fluxus theme files. Rename that fluxus folder to something
Responsive Fluxus WordPress Theme for Photography ...
Download Fluxus WordPress Theme. Are you wondering of a fabulous online platform that will expose the photo works beautifully with all glory? Here is a spectacular
Fluxus - Portfolio Theme for Photographers | Free Template ...
Photographer - A WordPress Theme For Photographers; Download the theme Fluxus Portfolio Theme for Photographers on freethemewordpress.com
Fluxus - Portfolio Theme for Photographers + Download
http://bit.ly/XA2Oiu Fluxus is a magazine inspired Wordpress theme. It features a portfolio Fluxus is a magazine inspired Wordpress theme.
Download Fluxus Wordpress Theme 1.3.3 - Portfolio Theme ...
Fluxus is a magazine inspired Wordpress theme. It features a horizontal portfolio layout, Tags: photography, portfolio. Report Broken Link. Issue: *