Depth of Field - Fullscreen Photography Portfolio - Tumblr

The entire theme documentation is available at: Depth of Field theme documentation

In case you need support or if you have feature requests, please send me an email through my profile page or contact I also use the comment section of this item to answer simple questions.

Depth of Field is a fullscreen photography theme for Tumblr. Its a great way for photographers to showcase their portfolio in a breathtaking way. Nevertheless, this theme also supports all the other Tumblr post types, meaning that you can also post galleries, videos, audio tracks, quotes, chats, links and normal text posts. Check the live preview for examples of how each post type looks like when using this template. In addition, this theme also supports the submit and ask post types.

Next to that, this theme enables you to display your latest Instagram photos, Dribbble shots and tweets, as well as a number of popular social media links. The popular Disqus commenting system is integrated and you have the option to choose from over 500 fonts from the Google webfont library for your headers and normal body text. Sounds overwhelming? Dont worry, because every little detail is described in the Depth of Field theme documentation.

Depth of Field is also a fully responsive theme, which mean that it will dynamically adept its layout for tablets and smartphones. However, as this theme is mainly geared towards high resolution photography, the most enjoyable viewing experience is still on a large screen.

If you like this theme, please consider rating it using the star rating in the sidebar. Many thanks!

Complete feature list

  • fullscreen responsive layout
  • responsive images, slideshows and video
  • possibility to use any font from the Google web font library
  • Disqus comment system integration
  • Instagram photo feed
  • Twitter feed
  • Dribbble feed
  • Social media links for popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, G+ and many more
  • share every post on various social networks
  • custom logo image
  • tiled or full screen background image for post types other than photo
  • various color options
  • detailed documentation of all features included


Version 1.4

  • fixed a bug with icon background color in the sidebar
  • removed 2 custom links from the sidebar, which should only belong on the demo page

Version 1.3

  • due to a change in the twitter API on 11th june 2013, the twitter feed has been adjusted to accomodate for the changes.

Version 1.2

  • fixed a bug where the share button did not work and no modal window appeared.

Version 1.1

  • fixed a bug for the horizontal scrollbar
  • fixed an issue, where the comment box overlayed the contents on permalink pages


Depth of Field Theme - Depth of Field is a fullscreen ...
Depth of Field is a fullscreen photography a fullscreen photography theme for Tumblr. It's a great way for photographers to showcase their portfolio in a

Depth of Field - Fullscreen Photography Portfolio - Tumblr ...
Depth of Field - Fullscreen Photography Portfolio Depth of Field - Fullscreen Photography Portfolio

Depth of Field Theme - Depth of Field is a fullscreen ...
About me. Depth of Field is a fullscreen photography theme for Tumblr. It's a great way for photographers to showcase their portfolio in a breathtaking way.

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