Hypnotica - Blogging | ThemeForest


Hypnotica is an image based ghost template you can use for any project of your choice, from personal blog to web-magazine.


Be careful, images (from http://www.cookeez.fr/) are NOT included in Hypnotica.


v2.0 December, 19 2014

- Update for ghost 0.5.x- Graphic update- IE8 Compatibility- SEO optimisation (microdata)- Page support- Multitag support

v1.0.1 December, 16 2013

- Icon bug fixed on mobile devices

v1.0.0 December, 11 2013

- Release

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Envato - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 2008 the company launched ThemeForest, a web templates and themes marketplace, and AudioJungle, a marketplace for stock music and audio.

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