UMO Folio - A One Page Portfolio Theme For Tumblr - Tumblr

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All UMO Folio users, please update your theme to version 1.1.0

On January 13th an issue cropped up with image galleries inside the project expander (both single and multiple images) that affects all users. The latest update solves that and bring other small fixes and improvements.

To update the theme, grab the latest files from your downloads tab and repeat the installation steps. Your customizations options should be preserved, but if you made any modifications to the theme code itself make sure to make a backup of those changes as they will need to be re-applied.

Were sorry about the inconvenience!

about umo folio

Meet Umo, a one-page portfolio theme for Tumblr aimed at designers, photographers, illustrators, and all kinds of visual artists.

This is a multi-section theme: besides the ubiquitous Portfolio grid, you get an About, Services, Team, Testimonials and Contact section.

The Portfolio grid is quite flexible: you can define the number of columns for different screen resolutions and adjust the thumbnails shape and proportions.

The Portfolio grid main attraction is the bespoke Ajax expander, which allows you to display each project details dynamically in an stylish way.

The site footer houses your social links, Twitter and photostream feeds (Dribbble, Flickr, and Instagram).

Please note that Umo only supports Photo, Audio and Video posts. Quote posts are used in addition to populate the Testimonials section. Although regular Text posts arent supported, you can create and display custom pages (

umo folio demo

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what they are saying





Umo includes the following sections, which can be switched on and off:

  • Homepage: greet your visitors with a custom logoor avatarand message. Full page background image cycler with up to five images.

  • About: introduce yourself or your company and let visitors know what you do best. Skills widget can be turned on and off.

  • Services: be boisterous about your skill-set and expertize! Display up to six services boxes with their own image or icon, title, description and external link. An optional swiper lets you group your services into an horizontally scrollable widget.

  • Portfolio: filterable portfolio grid chock-full of options! Filter your projects using smooth transitions and show their details in-page with the Ajax-powered project expander. Choose between landscape, portrait and square thumbnails, with rounded, circle or square shapes, flat or with shadows.

  • Team: Display up to six team members, with custom avatars, name, job position, short bio, and the social links of your choice. An optional swiper lets you group your team members into an horizontally scrollable widget.

  • Testimonials: populate your testimonials section by simply creating Quote posts on your dashboard. Testimonials will be swipeable both on desktop and mobile thanks to the awesome Swiper jQuery plugin.

  • Clients: a simple widget that lets you display up to six client logos.

  • Contact: show your contact information and let people message you effortlessly via Tumblrs own Ask me anything box.
    Footer: display icons for all of your social profiles, an integrated Twitter feed, and Dribbble, Instagram and Flickr photostreams.

Umo comes with tons of options to let you customize colors, background images and typography.

Umo supports notes and Disqus comments on project details, either when viewed on the Ajax expander or a separate permalink page.

Umo supports most modern browsers, including Internet Explorer 9.


v1.2.0 July 15, 2015

  • New: Navigation arrows added to Services and Team sections carousels.
  • Minor CSS fixes.

v1.1.5 May 07, 2015

  • Improved: Track portfolio filtering and loading content via the expander using Google Analytics.
  • Minor CSS change to overlays transition speed.

v1.1.4 March 23, 2015

  • Fixed: Expander and header CSS heights issues in iOS Chrome.
  • Improved: Expander dimensions and positioning on tablets and phones.
  • Updated: New deviantArt icon.
  • Minor CSS and JavasScript fixes.

v1.1.3 February 17, 2015

  • Fixed: retina logo images (homepage and header) not being displayed sometimes on some mobile browsers (Chrome on iOS).

v1.1.2 January 24, 2015

  • Fixed: Thumbnail titles are empty if the option Move Titles Outside Thumbs is enabled.

v1.1.1 January 16, 2015

  • New: Up to twelve client logos can be uploaded now.
  • New: Options to add links (Client URLs) wrapping each client logo.
  • Fixed: Expander position could be miscalculated when filtering items in some edge cases.
  • Fixed: Small visual glitch with the shadowy separators on the project expander.
  • Improved: Use Disqus recommended method for loading comments on AJAX sites.

v1.1.0 January 14, 2015

  • Updated isotope jQuery plugin to version 2.
  • Updated fotorama script to version 4.6.3.
  • Updated hammer.js to version 2 for improved support for tap events on more recent mobile browsers.
  • Fixed: Video player fullscreen issues in some browsers, related to the isotope plugin.
  • Fixed: Fotorama stylesheet was missing, breaking the image galleries inside the portfolio expander.
  • Fixed: Footer copyright and credits text color wasnt applied properly.
  • Improved: Better support for non-alphanumeric characters on the portfolio filter.
  • New: Option to enable fat portfolio filters on phones, for chubby fingers!

v1.0.5 July 25, 2014

  • New: Option to center media (photos, audio, video) when a caption isnt set for the post (Enable Centered Media).
  • Fixed: certain tap events didnt trigger on some mobile devices.

v1.0.4 March 5, 2014

  • New: Navigation menu for custom pages.
  • New: Make opening custom pages on new tab/window optional.
  • Fixed: Navigation drop-down issues in Safari.
  • Fixed: Restored some broken CSS gradients.
  • Fixed: Sharing box short URL.

v1.0.3 March 1, 2014

  • New: Custom section reordering.
  • New: option to vertically center videos.
  • New: fitVids.js support for Tumblrs native video player.
  • Fix: Ajax extender close button was unclickable on Safari.
  • Fix: Restored Ajax expander media/description separator.

v1.0.2 January 18, 2014

  • Allow multiple words for Skills widget labels, they must be entered separated by underscores.
  • Better homepage slideshow responsiveness: now the slider starts once the first image has been loaded.
  • Fixed: issue with embedded Vimeo videos in fullscreen mode on webkit browsers.
  • Added: option to disable Isotope CSS transforms (workaround for fullscreen videos on Safari.)
  • Added: option to disable background gradients and tints, for smoother page scrolling.

v1.0.1 January 11, 2014

  • Added: option to load portfolio items on demand, using a load more button.
  • Fixed: make portfolio filter responsive as soon as the first set of posts is available.
  • Fixed: navigation links now show user defined colors correctly on hover and active states.
  • Minor CSS fixes.

v1.0.0 December 4, 2013

credits and thanks

The wonderful illustrations shown on the demos are the work of YemaYema.

The images used for the sections backgrounds are from Unsplash.

The logos shown on the Clients section are from the Logo / Badge / Insignia Templates Bundle.

The webfont shown on the Section Headings is called Questrial, by Admix Designs.

The Skills Widget is built upon Animated 3d Bar Chart With CSS3 by Codrops.

UMO Folio integrates or borrows from the following jQuery plugins:

Smart Resize
Hammer JS
Responsive Elements
Perfect Scrollbar
jQuery Waypoints

UMO Folio - A One Page Portfolio Theme For Tumblr
All UMO Folio users, please update your theme to version 1.1.0. On January 13th an issue cropped up with image galleries inside the project expander (both single and

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UMO Folio A One Page Portfolio Theme For Tumblr. Umo is a one-page portfolio theme for Tumblr aimed at designers, photographers, illustrators,

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