Blume Responsive WordPress Theme - WordPress

Blume Responsive WordPress Theme

Blume Responsive WordPress Theme The best way to build an awesome Creative Agency site in our world. You can easily create a realy good site with a pretty design and good gallery system. The template is build on HTML5 and CSS3 technics. We are using jquery to make the site dinamic, different sliders, scrolls makes the template unique. The template is seo optimized. Blume Creative Agency template is responsive. you can open your future site in different devices, mobiles, planchets, laptops or PC. The template comes with a good documentation file and of course with a greate support team.

What others say about us

The Theme layout adapts to the Screen size of different device your visitors are using. You site will always look good and utilize 100% of screen estate on every device.

The Blume theme is built with SEO best practices, so everything is prepared for your bussines, to ship thousands of visitors to your site. It works perfectly well with SEO plugins.

You have problems with template? No Worries we provide a premium class support for our clients. Our team is always ready to help you.

Change log

Version 1.3 22.04.2014
- WordPress 3.9 Ready- Fixed the Shortcode tinymce icon issue
Version 1.2 16/04/2014
- WordPress 3.8.3 Ready- Fixed the mobile responsive issue with homepage gallery section- Fixed the issue with gallery list in admin panel (modal window)- Fixed the issue with slider section fields (removed unnecessary fields)- WooCommerce 2.1.7 integration issues fixed
v 1.1 / 21.01.2014
- WordPress 3.8 Support- Added new section in admin panel - Theme Information- Updated lang .po file, added new words to translate- Fixed the logo on login page width for wordpress 3.8- Added option to upload custom pre loader animated image- Added logo.psd file into the download archive- Added an option to disable the site pre loader function in theme options panel- Added an upload button and text specification in the Gallery box Admin panel- Fixed the responsive issue of images with captions.- Fixed the testimonial shortcode link issue- Added child theme support and include a child theme example in the download archive- Fixed the issue with custom post type icons in WordPress 3.8- Added option to support vertical images in the gallery slider- Fixed the responsive issue with the gallery slider- Replaced the mobile navigation for better compatibility with mobile devices- Fixed the mobile responsive issue with the shop grid page- Added option to support custom links in services icons on Home and Our Service pages- Added option to show a simple image in header on Home- Added an option to select a banner slider on Home page in Theme options panel
v 1.0 / 12 December 2013
- Initial Release

Blume Responsive WordPress Theme - ThemeForest
Blume Responsive WordPress Theme Blume Responsive WordPress Theme Layers WP Child Themes; Layers WP Extensions; Layers The Blume theme is built with SEO

Blume Responsive WordPress Theme
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Blume Responsive WordPress Theme - WP Themes & Plugins
Blume Responsive WordPress Theme. The Blume wordpress theme is built on HTML5 and CSS3 technics and using Download Blume Responsive WordPress Creative

Blume Responsive WordPress Theme | WordPress
Blume responsive WordPress themes the best way to build an awesome Creative Agency site in our world. You can easily create a really good site with a pretty design

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