WP Residence is a Premium Real Estate theme designed for real estate independent agents and agencies, but you can also allow other people to submit their properties for free, for a fee or based on a monthly subscription. It has clean & user friendly design, and it features options like: Properties Advanced Search (with custom fields and dynamic search URL), Google Maps with property location markers (managed from admin), Ajax Filters for Properties list, user login & register with white labeled dashboard (no WordPress reference), front end property submit & edit, payment integration with PayPal and Stripe for CC Payments, payment with Wire Transfer, Visual Composer Page Builder Plugin, dsIDXpress IDX Plugin support, WPML plugin support, custom real estate widgets, colors controls, various Advanced Search and header options, easy theme options, and many more
Demo User Access Information
Username = user
Password = 1234
WP Residence Main Features:
WP Residence detailed feature list
- Dedicated Support Team to answer all your questions, comments and requests promptly.
- WordPress 3.9 4.2 compatibility.
- Built with HTML5 and CSS3.
- Built on Bootstrap 3
- Font Awesome icons included
- Cross Browser compatible, tested on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, IE9, IE10, IE11
- Included plugins: Visual Composer & Revolution Slider & Ultimate Addons ($65 value)
- 100% Responsive on all Smartphones, tablets and desktop computers & Retina ready.
- Demo Content included. Free Installation and Demo Content included.
- Extensive manual with detailed instructions (http://help.wpresidence.net/)
- Properties List and Taxonomy pages with Ajax Search Filters
- NEW: Multiple Currency widget option synced with Yahoo API for setting conversion values
- Google Maps Options
- NEW:Google Maps Pin reading system from FILE for improved speed for those with thousands of listings on the map. See demo with 2500 listings here http://demo3.wpresidence.net/
- NEW: Spiderfy for pins in the same location on Google Maps
- Google Maps API integrated with distinctive pins which you can upload from Admin
- Snazzy Maps style for Google Maps (style the map colors as you wish). Help http://help.wpresidence.net/#!/snazzy
- Google Maps type option in theme options. Choose between Terrain, Roadmap, Satellite, Hybrid as default display. In front end user can choose to switch display from map controls.
- Advanced Search Options.
- AJAX search over map
- NEW: Advanced Search URL is created dynamically based on searched parameters values.
- 3 Search Types: horizontal display demo http://wpresidence.net/, vertical display demo http://demo5.wpresidence.net/, or quick search with auto-complete for state, city area combined with advanced search extended fields demo http://demo1.wpresidence.net/
- NEW: Advanced Search parameters are saved on the Advanced Search results page in header search.
- NEW: Advanced Search Results SORT filters.
- Search by property ID (automatic or manual ID)
- NEW:Search by property title keyword
- NEW:Search by Custom Dropdown fields (added by you in admin)
- NEW:Show Bedrooms, Rooms, Bathrooms as drop-downs in advanced search
- Search by custom fields (date, text, number type)
- Enable, disable Price Slider. Set min and max values for price slider
- Advanced Search Options: show advanced search over slider YES/NO, show advanced search globally (YES/NO), show advanced search closed or open by default.
- Enable HALF MAP design for Advanced Search with ajax search filters Advanced Search URL
- Sub-categories in Advanced Search, Advanced Search shortcode and Advanced Search widget for custom taxonomies (City, Area, Type, Category)
- Number of properties listed for each category and sub-category listed under custom taxonomies.
- Settings to Help you Earn Money:
- Stripe Merchant, PayPal Merchant or Wire Transfer for payment options.
- Membership option with recurring setting enabled, so you can charge users a fee for a package of listings and featured listings included.
- Free Membership option with expiration in days for each free listing submitted by user.
- Or enable Paid Option with the setting to charge for publishing each property + extra fee for a property to be set as featured (featured = first in lists).
- Or, if you wish, leave free submission for registered users.
- User Registration Options:
- User Login and Register menu in header (with on/off control)
- NEW: Agree to Terms and Conditions check and page template before registering (in user menu, register widget, register shortcode and register modal box when saving favorite properties)
- User Registration white labeled (no WordPress)
- NEW:: User Registration with type password in register form or with password assigned by WordPress
- Forgot Password Option
- Option to login/register via User Menu, Widget, Shortcode, Modal Box (when selecting Favorites only)
- User Dashboard Settings:
- Option to disable add property submission by deleting the pages for Add Property and My Properties.
- Add Property Form page (with many options)
- NEW:Submission Form Address changed to Auto-complete from Google Maps, or set with pre-defined drop-downs for Address Fields (city, area, state)
- My Profile page with user info
- My properties page with search my properties by title (autocomplete)
- My Favorites page with all users favorited properties.
- My Saved Searches page. Users get Email Alerts based on Saved Search parameters. How it works http://help.wpresidence.net/#!/savesearch.
- NEW: My Invoices Page with list of invoices user has paid.
- Properties List Options:
- Standard Properties list page: select what properties from which cities, areas, categories, and/or areas display by default. Select if only featured properties are shown by default or not.
- NEW: Half Map Properties List page with ajax filters.
- Taxonomy page to list properties from a certain category (standard or half map options)
- Custom Widgets:
- NEW: Featured Agent widget
- Mortgage Calculator
- Advanced Search
- Featured Listing
- Social Links Widget
- Contact Widget
- Facebook Widget
- Twitter Widget
- Flick Widget
- Login/User Dashboard Widget
- Zillow Estimate
- Recent Listings
- Custom Page Templates:
- Contact Page with Contact Form
- Blog List Page
- Properties List with Ajax Filters
- Properties List Half Map with Ajax Filters
- Agent List Page
- Compare Properties Page
- Advanced Search Results page (standard or half map layout)
- User Dashboard page templates
- General Page Settings:
- Show Title Yes/No
- Sidebar Position: Left, Right or None
- Select what Sidebar displays if enabled
- Custom Header media Options (revolution slider, theme slider, google maps, image or none)
- Property Page custom settings:
- NEW:WALKSCORE API connection to show property walkscore based on property addres (optional)
- Assign Agent responsible of the property from a list with all agents available. This is for Admin only.
- Default settings: County, State, Zip, Country, City, Area, Type, Category, Lot size, Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Rooms, Price, after price label.
- A field for owner and admin to see only in Submit Property and Edit Property (admin area)
- Unlimited Custom fields managed by admin
- Unlimited Property Status managed by admin
- Google Maps position (Latitude, Longitude, Google Street View & Street Camera Control
- Add Video in property slider, from Vimeo or YouTube
- Unlimited Amenities and Features managed by admin
- NEW: Add Floor Plans for properties in Admin and in Submit Property form in Front End
- NEW: Print Listing button in Property Page next to Social Share icons
- NEW: Attach PDF to property in Admin and Front End Submission form
- NEW: Property Page Tab or Accordion layout options set in Theme Options see demo page
- NEW: Property Page Agent/User info on sidebar or after property information option set in Theme Options see demo page
- NEW: Property Page -slider can be set vertical or horizontal option set in Theme Options see demo page
- Change or Assign a property to a registered user/subscriber from admin Edit Property
- Full control over the names of categories, types, cities, areas, states and google mas property pins images.
- Custom Property Fields (number, text, date, dropdown)
- Agent Page custom settings:
- Agent description
- Phone
- Mobile
- Skype ID
- Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Pinterest.
- Website Url
- Agent Contact Form (automatically added). This contact form sends all messages received through agent page directly to agent email
- Theme Contact form with WordPress Nonces integrated from Anti-Spam security
- Contact 7 plugin compatibility to replace theme contact form with contact 7 form. This plugin allows you add the fields you wish in contact form.
- Option (yes/no) to sync new registered users with agent post. This means each new registered user will have an aent post created automatically. Info is synced with User Profile. Properties attached to Agent are synced automatically with Properties attached to User
- NEW: Email Customization Interface in Theme Options. Edit all theme emails yourself.
- Multi-Currency price settings in Theme Options. Choose whatever multi-currencies you wish to display. We also include automatic multi currency conversion values synced with Yahoo API (set through a daily cron which looks for latest conversion values once a day.)
- NEW: Price thousands separator control in Theme Options (type what separator you wish)
- NEW: Date field calendar has language control in Theme Options.
- NEW: Transparent Menu options (yes/no)
- NEW: 3 Header design types
- NEW: Footer background image control in theme options.
- 30+ shortcodes from WP Residence and Visual Composer plugin:
- NEW: Recent Properties shortcode with RANDOM order option (yes/no)
- Translation Module with POEdit.
- 2 level menu navigation, with full control over its colors.
- Full control over themes colors with unlimited color options.
- An easy way to change Logo, footer logo & favicon from Theme Options.
- Hundreds of Google Fonts available in Admin Panel.
- Google Analytics field available in Theme Options. All you have to do is copy/paste the code from your own account.
- 4 Column Widget Footer that you can customize from Admin.
- Copyright Footer Text editor available in Theme Options.
- Footer Menu to add any links you wish.
- Custom Mobile Menu
- Social Share buttons integrated in Blog Post, Property Post, Properties List.
- Compare Properties
- Save Favorite Properties
- SEO Optimized and compatible with any third party SEO plugin youd like to add.
- Custom 404 Not Found page included
- Threaded Comments
- Unlimited Sidebars
- Well organized code and files
- And many more attractive features!
Support is being provided through the contact form on our private ticket system at http://support.wpestate.org/ /
We usually respond to every support request within 24h (Timezone: UTC+01:00). During weekends we offer limited support.
Visit http://wpestate.org/ for more information about the theme features, video tutorials, help manual and public forum.
Buyers Reviews
WP RESIDENCE Versions Released
WP RESIDENCE 1.11.2 August 25
UPDATE: widget_logic function according to WP 4.3 standardsNEW: With Google Maps Read Pins from file set to yes, agent header with google maps syncs with properties attached to agent onlyEDIT: Taxonomy page syncs with open/close map option in theme optionsEDIT: Archive template syncs with global headerEDIT: footer widget title syncs with footer color set in Design - Custom colorsUPDATE: If using recent items shortcode in Properties List page template , compare will show for Properties List properties even if it doesn't apply for the recent items shortcodeUPDATE: Advanced search results page - shows the search parameters titles (not slugs)UPDATE: Retina images for bed, bath, size, share, favorite iconsFIX: Advanced search custom dropdown with 2 words, search by automatic Property ID, Non latin category options with 2 words - not showing pins on advanced search results page header mapFIX: Multi-Currency Yahoo API conversion if default currency is different than USDFIX: Sort by Newest in Properties List filtersUPDATE: Revolution Slider plugin to 5.041 - new plugin help http://www.themepunch.com/revslider-doc/slider-revolution-documentation/UPDATE: Ultimate Addons update to 3.13.3UPDATE: Visual Composer Update to 4.6.2How to update plugins - http://wpestate.org/wp-residence-how-to-update-the-theme-plugins/
WP RESIDENCE 1.11.1 July 23
Edit: File shortcodes.php updated to work with the new code added by Visual Composer in 4.6 version for shortcodesUpdate: Visual Composer plugin to 4.6.1 EDIT: Facebook Login update because only for some clients Facebook doesn't send email through API - so user cannot be saved. Now the email from facebook is a generic email for such situations with @facebook.com at the end. Email can be changed by user in My Profile. FIX: Taxonomy pages with non latin categories - influenced by the changes done in 1.11 update related to this pageFIX: In front end submission - Areas Dropdown - Show all areas (with 0 properties or more)FIX: Saved Search Email was sending wrong template - influenced by changes done in 1.11 related to Email Management
WP RESIDENCE 1.11 July 16
Help to update theme http://help.wpresidence.net/#!/updatetheme
NEW: A new page in User Dashboard - Invoices. NEW: Automatic multi currency conversion values synced with Yahoo API. See help for details about how this works. NEW: Email Customization Interface in Theme OptionsNEW: A new notification added on payment processing, for user to know he has been charged a payment and from which merchant (stripe or paypal).NEW: Stripe recurring subscription cancel button in User DashboardNEW: Additional Sort Options for Properties List (standard layout), Taxonomy Page (standard layout) and Advanced Search Results (standard layout): oldest to newest, newest to oldest, bedrooms high low, bedrooms low high, bathrooms high low, bathrooms low to high. NEW: Registration can be done with type password (option selected from Theme Options)NEW: Dropdown custom field type for property admin, submission.NEW: Dropdown custom fields can be added in Advanced Search - Custom Fields as well.NEW:Option to display bedrooms, rooms, bathrooms fields as dropdowns in advanced search - custom fields YESNEW: Keyword search for Property Title in advanced search. Can only work with Property title because we allow this to work with AJAX as well.NEW: Option to show Advanced Search as HALF MAP (please see help how it works)NEW: Option to show Taxonomy Page as Half Map (please see help how it works)NEW: Features and Amenities in Half Map (please see help how it works)NEW: Country Field displays as dropdown in Advanced Search fields (please see help how it works)NEW: Agent Post global sidebar control in Theme OptionsNEW: Lat and long validation (if these are added incorrectly they will not be saved)NEW: Property List - Standard and Taxonomy List - Standard - when you use the filters the map syncs with resultsNEW: Foursquare and Instagram social options in Social WidgetNEW: Add URL to User Profile from Properties List - author usernameEDIT: dsIDXpress property imported from dsIDXPress shows the property pin open by default in mapsEDIT: dsIDXpress custom CSS for the search widgetEDIT: Bootstrap update from 3.2 to 3.4.3EDIT: Membership for users with Published and Expired listings. We now leave published properties published if number of listings in new upgrade package is the same or larger than the number of published listings (no matter the number of expired listings)EDIT: Added Price Label for Default Currency (used in Multi Currency Widget)EDIT: Submission - Numeric Fields - if default value 0 is displays, these fields don't show on property pageEDIT: Remove the Features Tab if not features are listed in Theme OptionsEDIT: Stripe recurring system updated.EDIT: When expired properties are resent for approval the theme options (manual or automatic approval) applyEDIT: Allow caption in admin with HTMLEDIT: Updated events.php cron daily saved search to include properties submitted in latest 24 hours (not from server 0 time to cron running time)EDIT: Updated Country Name to Macedonia (FYROM)EDIT: Made countries list translate with POEDITEDIT: Removed duplicate image add_image_size(blog_unit , 1110, 385, true); from general-settings.phpEDIT: Show decimals in theme slider for bathroomEDIT: removed retina.JS and added dense.js for speed performance on retina ready devicesEDIT: removed H1 tag from AJAX load results titleEDIT: Removed Flickr Widget (API change required we give up this widget)EDIT: Updated Fontawesome to latest iconsEDIT: WPML footer language switcher according to WPML instructionsEDIT: WPML functions for wp-admin functions as wellEDIT: WPML for Read From File - YES (please see help how it works)FIX: Certain IOS crash on ipads and mobiles. We adapted CSS to these IOS issuesFIX: Click on Theme SliderFIX: small CSS edits for theme sliderFIX: Currency in Wire Transfer modal box shows Membership Currency (not property currency)Fix: Price Slider with multi currency activated - on slide the multi-currency value was reset to default currency valueFIX: Price separator ' is supportedUDPATE: plugin zip update for Ultimate Addons to v3.13.1
WP RESIDENCE 1.10.3 June 15 for prettyPhoto XSS fix
Help to update plugins http://help.wpresidence.net/#!/updatetheme
Updated pretty photo to version 3.1.6.Update Visual Composer to v 4.5.3Updated Ultimate Addons to v 3.12
WP RESIDENCE 1.10.2 June 2
Help to update plugins http://help.wpresidence.net/#!/updatetheme
Revolution slider plugin update to 6.9.3Ultimate Addons plugin update to 3.11.1Visual Composer Plugin update to 4.5.2Added function to not show the Ultimate Addons update notice as it is not required
WP RESIDENCE 1.10.2 April 26, 2015
This update follows the instructions from Envato to prevent Security Vulnerability http://themeforest.net/forums/thread/security-vulnerability-affecting-wordpress-plugins-and-themes/173011
Files updated:
- class-tgm-plugin-activation.php (path to this file wpresidence/libs/plugins/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php)- agent_listings.php (path to this file wpresidence/templates/agent_listings.php)- dashboard_listing_unit.php (path to this file wpresidence/templates/dashboard_listing_unit.php)- property_images.php (path to this file wpresidence/templates/submit_templates/property_images.php)
WP RESIDENCE 1.10.1 WordPress 4.2 April 23, 2015
- Visual Composer update for 4.2 compatibility - v 1.4.4- Rev Slider update - v 1.6.9 NOTE: export your revolutions sliders before you update. For some clients - the update deleted their SLIDERS. - Sidebar plugin update included in the theme to be compatible with 4.2 requirements. Change made is below:multiple_sidebar_plugins.phpadded 'id'=>sanitize_title($sidebar), at line 60IMPORTANT NOTE:This is a third party plugin, but we had to make it compatible with WordPress 4.2 standards. Because of that - all custom sidebars add in SIDEBARS - ADD NEW will need to be populated with WIDGETS again. Then all pages with custom sidebars will have to be saved again. - ADDED demo 5 content in themepack, demo_content folder and re-organized demo folders- UPDATED style.css for the recover password background display when used from Login in Header
WP RESIDENCE 1.10.1 April 9, 2015
EDIT: space between price and currency in price sliderEDIT: multi currency support for labels with non latin (currency symbols)FIX: Mobile menu for certain Android browser versionsFIX: Property Unit not displaying m or ftUPDATE: Ultimate Addons plugin to 3.10
WP RESIDENCE 1.10 update April, 2015
Fix: Mobile menu not opening on Android - FirefoxEdit: scroll smooth on ipad / iphone Files modified: my_media.css, style.css, control.js
WP RESIDENCE 1.10 March 31, 2015
Update Notes: Please check mobile menu logo after this update. We have added a new field to add Mobile Logo in General Settings as we have changed the design background to dark for Menu / Logo position. Save Mobile Menu from Admin Menus.
NEW: Multi-currency support for who wishes to display properties prices in several currencies. Has its own currency conversion area managed by admin. Comes with Multi Currency Widget to place in sidebars, footer, or header widget area. NEW: Property Page vertical thumb on slider (global and per property control)NEW: Property Page Agent on Sidebar (global control)NEW: Property Page tabs layout alternative to accordion (global and per property control)NEW: Properties List default view control in Theme Options. You can now choose if default View is LIST or Grid. Applies globally to Advanced Search Results, Properties List, Taxonomy Page. NEW: Vertical Search Type design (Type 3)NEW: A new Mobile Menu. EDIT: Mobile Logo position changes in this update. Logo is showing next to Mobile Menu over dark background. NEW: Mobile Logo field in General Settings to match the new dark background. NEW: Field for website URL in User Profile and Agent ProfileNEW: Map default view control in Theme Options (Satellite, Roadmap, Terrain, Hybrid) NEW: Map Control to change default view to another viewNEW: Price thousand separator format control in Theme Options NEW: Calendar Field Language option in Theme Options NEW: Option to set Transparent menu over headerNEW: 2 new header types - global control NEW: Margin Top control for logoNEW: Background image control for footer backgroundNEW: Re-order images in submission form with drag and dropNEW: Price Slider on mobile has drag option with touchEDIT: Featured property in submission form is selected with double clickNEW: WALKSCORE API cnnection to show property walkscore based on property addres (optional)NEW: Links to our help manual in Theme Options pagesNEW: User Friendly Modal box with "PLEASE WAIT..." while connecting to PayPalNEW: Property Link included in the email notification sent to user - "Your Listing Was Approved" NEW: A field for owner and admin to see only in Submit Property and Edit Property (admin area)EDIT: Currency field and currency position are moved to a new option in Theme Optiosn "Price % Currency" EDIT: Properties List Half Map shows Maps + Filters in all screen resolutionsEDIT: With Search Type 2 - Advanced Search Results map starts with the address of the first property in LISTEDIT: Make social links open in new tab on Agent PageEDIT: Compare Page Breadcrumbs EDIT: .po translation updatesUPDATE: Visual Composer zip to 4.9.3UPDATE: Ultimate Addons zip to 3.9.4FIX: Enable on mobile tab on maps in slider FIX: Properties List Half on iPad SafariFIX: Show titles instead of slugs for save search features and amenities FIX: Using TAB in Submit Propery jumps from Title to DescriptionFIX: Auto-complete for City with Search Type 2 for Mobile searchFIX: Advanced Search widget showing all STATES when adding this option to custom fields after CityFIX: Keeping favorite properties on homepage - recent properties shortcode - for logged in users with favorite saved propertiesFIX: Accordion for Floor Plans closing the accordion before itFIX: Share not working for recent items slider properties after all properties have scrolled once FIX: Print function for property with subscriber assigned (not agent) is included in printed document
WP RESIDENCE 1.092 February 19, 2015
UPDATE: Ultimate Addons Plugin to version 3.9.3. See this post for how to update - http://wpestate.org/update-rev-slider-visual-composer/NEW: Add your own currency in Membership Settings (mostly for who wish to use WIRE TRANSFER option). Help - http://help.wpresidence.net/#!/addcurrencyNEW: Currency position (before/after) set in General Settings applies for Membership Currency as well NEW: email sent to admin when a new wire transfer request is sentNEW: Added price value in wire transfer modal boxNEW: html support for the Wire Transfer notice box ADDED: wpresidence-child-rtl.zip in theme pack for clients who wish to activate RTL cssADDED: optimization for search results page for thousands of listings in search
WP RESIDENCE 1.091 February 10, 2015
NEW: Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer - free plugin included ($17 value included in theme price)NEW: Color for hover menu in Design optionsNEW: Properties list settings for Properties List Half Map (*please see help - http://help.wpresidence.net/#!/properties)EDIT: main color applies for a few new elements that were not included before this updateEDIT: Title control yes/no for Properties List half mapEDIT: Update on how search type 2 works with advanced search results filtersEDIT: Small CSS edits for search type 2 background with no features and amenities enabled in searchEDIT: limit memory resources needed for Generating Pins button with 2k + properties listedFIX: JS update for long titles trimmed in infobox over map (non latin characters)FIX: Compare on Properties List half map FIX: Full Map on properties list half map FIX: CSS for properties list half map with no header widget
WP RESIDENCE 1.09 January 31, 2015
Control.js file update
WP RESIDENCE 1.09 January 29, 2015
NEW: Expiration in days for Free Membership ListingNEW: Option to pay via Wire Transfer for Paid Listing and Membership Package. Help - http://help.wpresidence.net/#!/wireNEW: Advanced Search type 2 - with auto-complete for city, state and area. Help - http://help.wpresidence.net/#!/advsearchfieldsNEW: Snazzy Maps style for Google Maps (style the map as you wish). Help - http://help.wpresidence.net/#!/snazzyNEW: Properties List - Half Map + Half Properties style. Help - http://help.wpresidence.net/#!/propertiesNEW: Contact 7 for Agent Contact and Contact Page contact forms. Help - http://help.wpresidence.net/#!/contact7NEW: Zip check on Stripe Payment form for securityNEW: States are dropdowns in submission if you choose the submission form with dropdowns for city, area and stateNEW: Property Page Layout 2 - with Agent info and Agent Contact form on sidebar (left or right). Demo -http://wpresidence.net/properties/3-rooms-mahattan/NEW: New information in Admin - Properties List (Featured YES/NO, Price)NEW: Default message on Properties List page if no properties are listed yet.NEW: Load Maps over SSL option in Admin (for websites that install SSL)EDIT: Featured Property widget link on entire image.EDIT: Added back to top on mobile as well.EDIT: Disable maps scroll on click. Now only the buttons + and - work for zoom.EDIT: Removed JS code for transforming callto: to tel: so that numbers open on chrome browser, mobileEDIT: Removed " in Taxonomy page for category nameEDIT: All titles are trimmed to a number of characters so that long titles do not disrupt theme design.FIX: Submit Page - Auto-Complete not resetting Area and Zip if user tries a different Address.FIX: Recent Items Slider - scroll set to 0 not applying.FIX: CSS for Reset Password messageFIX: When using share in lists, the property was opening in background.FIX: Mortgage calculator not considering decimalsFIX: Duplicate empty sub-categoriesFIX: Pagination for taxonomy pages not applying from Theme Options - but from WordPress settings.Plugin update: Visual Composer updated to 4.4.1 versionTranslate: Added the Reset Password subjectUpdate: functions.php to be child theme friendlyUpdate: child theme to use enqueue and not @import for style.css
WP RESIDENCE 1.08 December 22, 2014
NEW: Added in Theme Options - General Settings the option to select the front end submission form without google maps auto-complete for address, city and area. This will activate the previous submission form with dropdowns, controlled by admin.NEW: Google Maps Pin reading system from FILE controlled from Theme Options for who have more than 200 pins on the site.NOTE: with this on, Google Maps will display all properties in header google maps on Agent Page profile with header google maps and on Taxonomy Pages. NEW: Advanced Search URL is created dynamically based on searched parameters values. NEW: Advanced Search parameters are saved on the Advanced Search Results Page header search tool. NEW: Advanced Search Results SORT filters (Price High to Low and Price Low to High) + List view option as 2nd display option.NEW: Recent Items shortcode order RANDOM option (yes/no)NEW: Recent Items shortcode can filter now Articles by Category ID.NEW: Featured Agent shortcode added in custom widgets list. NEW: Recent Items slider has now time in 1000 (1 seconds), 2000 (2 seconds) and so on. All previous slider must be updated. EDIT: Agent Profile page shows all properties assigned to him in header map (*applies for the default pin reading system, not the new one added in this version)EDIT: Facebook share url takes an image from property gallery (*Facebook cache may need you to refresh the page once to see the image shared)EDIT: Added text note in My Profile page - Change Password. FIX: Mobile - Chrome closed mobile menu when scroling down the menu.FIX: Hide Features and Amenities title on property page if there are no features and amenities added in theme options. FIX: Added click entire property unit when using AJAX filters (before it was only on the unit title and + sign on hover)FIX: Contact form Address with ' saved with '/. Now it saves only the '.Plugins updates:Revolution Slider plugin updated to version 4.6.5 Visual Composer plugin updated to version 4.3.5
WP RESIDENCE 1.071 November 19 2014
FIX: Button to place pin over map in Admin - Edit Property EDIT: Remove old pins and leave the last clicked pin on Google Maps in Admin - Edit Property and in front end - Add Property. EDIT: Default Agent Image on Agent Post (if there is no image attached)
WP RESIDENCE 1.07 November 17 2014
NOTE1: Reset permalinks after update as we added new permalink for State and that is required. NOTE 2: Save Theme Options - Membership Settings again to display PayPal + Stripe buttonsIMPORTANT: Edit old properties and add Counties/States from the new taxonomy for County/State. Previous default fields for State and County are removed.
NEW: STRIPE Merchant for payments (Paid Listing and Membership)NEW: Submission Form Address changed to Auto-complete from Google Maps. NEW: City, Area - in submission form, changed to text fields (which can be pre-populated from address auto-complete, or manually by users).NEW: Area is attached to City in submission form automatically on property save.NEW: Added 1 new taxonomy for State/County. Removed State and County as text default fields (NOTE: if you have an older theme version and you filled in these details, after upgrade these fields will no long show). State/County taxonomy is independent from other taxonomies (City, Neighborhood)NEW: Property ID (automatically added by WordPress) shows in Property Details automatically. Property unique ID can be used in Advanced Search. Who doesn't wish this field, it can be removed with CSS. NEW: Forgot Password in User Menu (header) and Login/Register widgetNEW: Added Fonts Subsets option in Admin - Theme OptionsNEW: Add Floor Plans button in Submission Form - Edit Property form. NEW: Autoscroll option for Recent Items SliderNEW: Search with auto-complete for My Properties list (in user dashboard)NEW: Pretty Photo for Floor Plan image in property page. EDIT: Floor Plans, no image resize rule so images are not cut. EDIT: Floor plans, if details are not filled in they don't show.EDIT: POEDIT updates for Price from - to, Listing Media and a few more. EDIT: Added all available .po from clients in languages folder for show needs them. Please note these .po files may need to be updated and may not be complete.FIX: Print Property Address title showing as "Property Address" not as "Property Details" FIX: Taxonomy Page header was saving from first property header (not global header). Now it's from Global HeaderFIX: Non Featured Properties submitted and published without admin approval did not show in Recent Items shortcode and Taxonomy list. FIX: Theme Slider on front end showed max 10 listings. Now this limit is removed.
WP RESIDENCE 1.061 October 27 2014
FIX: Sliding on Price Slider changes currency to $UPDATE: Visual Composer plugin update to 4.3.4 (latest)
WP RESIDENCE 1.06 October 22, 2014
NEW: Price slider for minim and maxim price in Advanced Search. Works with display YES/NO option in Admin. Applies for default and custom Advanced Search fields. Works with AJAX advanced search over Map as well. NEW: Add Floor Plans for properties in Admin and in Submit Property form in Front EndNEW: Print Listing button in Property Page next to Social Share iconsNEW: Attach PDF to property in Admin and Front End Submission formNEW: Agree to Terms and Conditions check and page template before registering (in user menu, register widget, register shortcode and register modal box when saving favorite properties)NEW: Assign property to register user from admin - Edit PropertyNEW: Support jpeg files format in user dashboard - submit page - add mediaNEW: My Agent page pagination for My Properties EDIT: Added smaller zoom for Google search over map. Before it was max zoom in possible. EDIT: Added sub-category display for Category and Action in submission form EDIT: Revolution Slider update to 4.6.3EDIT: Hover social icons color assigned to Main Custom Color controlled from admin. EDIT: Theme Slider doesn't show bedrooms, bathrooms or size if none is selected. FIX: Edit property in user dashboard removes featured statusFIX: Recent Items Slider text alignment in IEFIX: Don't send send saved search email alerts on save in admin theme optionsFIX: Right post navigation arrow opening a different postFIX: Twitter share link no extra space FIX: Favorites Link in User Menu when first logging in and accessing the link
WP RESIDENCE 1.05- September 9, 2014
1.051 revision includes 4.34 version of Visual Composer and no custom scroll, in addition to below features:
- NEW: Saved Search + Email Alert based on Saved Search parameters. How it works - http://help.wpresidence.net/#!/savesearch - NEW: Spiderfy for pins in the same location on Google Maps- NEW: Sub-categories in Advanced Search, Advanced Search shortcode and Advanced Search widget for custom taxonomies (City, Area, Type, Category)- NEW: Number of properties listed for each category and sub-category listed under custom taxonomies. - NEW: Sidebar Settings from Theme Options apply for default front end submission properties sidebar settings. - NEW: pagination for My Properties list in user dashboard. - EDIT: Recent Items Slider shortcode has navigation arrows on top.- EDIT: link on the entire Featured Property box- EDIT: remove noreply@wpresidence from notifications. Now it's noreply@yourdomain.com- EDIT: Your Message shows in contact box all time (not just on click)- EDIT: responsive design for testimonials- EDIT: Visual Composer v4.3.3 update - EDIT: Rev Slider v6.0 update- FIX: Latest Listings widget order by date- FIX: Responsive for Blog list with sidebar when manually resizing browser. Responsive for Property List layout.
WP RESIDENCE 1.04- August 2014
NEW: Search by Features and Amenities with on/off control in Advanced Search Settings. Admin manages what features and amenities. NEW: Recent Properties Slider shortcode (filter properties as you wish). Includes option to show just Featured Properties. - Help - NEW: Created a custom class to have full Width Container for Visual Composer row settings. Class is full_container_overNEW: Google Maps Search address with on/off control in Google Maps SettingsEDIT: Added option for Featured Properties only in Recent Items shortcode. NEW: Breadcrumbs for parent pages.EDIT: Replaced noreply@wpestate.org from 2 places with noreply@yourdomainnameEDIT: added new small colors to Main Color, if custom colors are enabled.WP RESIDENCE 1.031 July 21 2014 ( 2 updates were added on July 23)
*July 23: Fix: Features and amenities not showing on property*July 23 Edit: Header Menu custom color. NEW: Latest Listings widget updated with filters by City, Area, Category, Type, Featured YES or NO. NOTE: after update, you will have to go to Widgets and select the filter options (or a warning error will show above the widget)NEW: Receive duplicate emails for all contact forms messages sent to agents/users on property and agent contact forms. The email address that receives duplicates is set in Admin - Theme Options - Social & Contact. NEW: Checkbox to select all AREAS in Admin - Areas.NEW: Default agent image added in Agent List page. EDIT: Pagination on Advanced Search keeps search parameters on page 2.EDIT: If no features and amenities are checked, the title doesn't show. EDIT: Similar Posts, link on the entire thumb,FIX: Save pins for non-latin slugsFIX: Advanced Search AJAX filters for less than 3 / 4 spots filled in.FIX: Filter City by Area in Advanced Search widget, Advanced Search custom fields set to yes.
WP RESIDENCE 1.03 July 9 2014
NEW: WPML functions for custom fieldsNEW: Fax input in contact page. EDIT: If Advanced Search is set to No (to not display), it is removed from responsive mode as wellEDIT: Active and Hover main menu colors are taken from Main Color, if Custom Colors are activatedUPDATE: Submission Form - filter Area by City for Mac Safari, Chrome and Windows IEUPDATE: Properties List filters for non latin languages. UPDATE: Ajax Filters, Area - includes ALL AREAS option. UPDATE: Infobox lists titles, not slugsUPDATE: AJAX FILTERS work if there are no actions or no categories set.UPDATE: Added default agent image if no image is set.FIX: "My Listings" opens only in new page. FIX: Submission form if there are 0 custom fields for property.FIX: Excerpt not showing for properties added in admin.FIX: Advanced Search Fields - bathrooms, min and max price at the same time.FIX: Properties List pagination if Properties List template is set on Homepage.
WP RESIDENCE 1.02 June 29, 2014
NOTE: For clients who have 1.01 and upgrade. After upgrade, go to Permalinks, set Default, Save, set custom again and save. We added a new permalink note and this is required.
NEW: Option NONE for Action and Category in front end submission form.NEW: Zoom control on the map showing with the property slider.NEW: Close Street View button on header map in property page. EDIT: Visual Composer and Rev Slider latest plugin versionsEDIT: Permalink php code edit (because of this, for clients after update, you must follow the above note)EDIT: Contact Email on Property Page includes the property page link in email content.EDIT: Similar Listings are by Category, Action and City (City is new)EDIT: Categories and Actions in front end submission ordered alphabetically.EDIT: Area filters by City in front end submission form. EDIT: User/Agent email is added automatically to the property contact form. EDIT: Advanced Search results order (featured first, publish date descending next)EDIT: Optimized some core css images (smaller size)EDIT: Front End submission text updates.EDIT: Compare classes added to compare page elements. EDIT: Advanced Search title shows all results found, not just those on first page.EDIT: If rooms, bathrooms or size have no value, they don't show in infobox and property unit list. EDIT: POEDIT translation with missing terms. EDIT: Compare option clicked for the same property does not duplicate compared item, if it's the same. FIX: Ipad vertical view, submission login disappearing on click.FIX: Property filters showing slug, not titleFIX: Register shortcode and widget error. FIX: Property custom titles not supporting ' in title. FIX: Make Featured option in User Dashboard, My PropertiesFIX: Features and Amenities, Custom Property Fields not saving for properties when Caps letters or non latin characters are added.FIX: Added "MESSAGE SENT" notifications on contact forms, fixed no contact on user form.FIX: small CSS alignments
WP RESIDENCE 1.0 initial release June 10 2014
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