Portfolia Muse Theme
Portofolia is a modern, clean and minimal Adobe Muse theme professionally designed by Intaglio Graphics & Multimedia, so that you can showcase your business, portfolio work or profile in professional, easy and intuitive way.
You can showcase your work that will impress and grab attention of your audience with Portfolia Muse Theme. This theme has all the features to showcase your work and communicate with your audience. We are constantly iterating and improving this theme by improving current design and also adding new features along the way so that you will be able to heavily customize this theme and make it unique to you liking.
This theme include professional quality Hexagon Logo Template(worth $30) from Graphicriver by our division Logos Stock.
It consist of four pages.
1. Home.
2. Portfolio.
3. Team.
4. Contact.
Key Features
- Image slider.
- Services offering area.
- Latest work showcase.
- Clients testimonials.
- Client list with logo representation.
- Team page with their picture info and social connection links.
- Tabbed portfolio to showcase different types of work.
- Light box.
- Contact page with contact form, Google map, contact info & QR Code.
- Detailed footer with sitemap, team list, legal, social media links, & contact form.
- Logo included which itself worth $30 on graphicriver (provided by our division LogosStock).
- Beautiful & functional.
- PSD Templates for easy placement of images in accurate size.
- QR Code.
- Detailed documentation & Video tutorials.
Detailed Features
Image SliderWith Portfolia image slider, you can showcase your featured or most important content right in front of your visitors. Image slider is high customize-able and large amount of images could be added in the slideshow.
Services Section
You can display all the services you are offering in Services Section in very clean, simple and easy to understand way. This section could also be utilized
Change Log
Whats new in version 2 (Released 18 APRIL 2015).
- Fixed floating slider shadow.
- Fixed contact form not displaying text in focus mode.
- Fixed social media rollover state.
- Fixed submit button rollover state in contact form.
- Improved Our Latest Work section design in home page.
- Improved Skills graphs colors.
- Added 3 column portfolio.
- Added 5 column portfolio.
Whats new in version 1.8 (Released 29 NOV 2014).
- Improved Image Slider design & colors.
- Added new Grid Style Portfolio.
- Added Two styles of project pages.
- Improved learn more buttons in homepage.
- Now its very easy to change theme and text colors ( New video tutorial also added).
- Added featured video section in homepage.
- Now its easier to change map via widget.
- Added rollover states on images.
- Restyled homepage.
- Redesigned contact page.
- Added popup menu in Tablet and Mobile layouts.
Whats new in version 1.7 (Released 20 OCT 2014).
- Improved placement of image slider.
- Redesigned buttons and now they are now also easier to customize.
- Redesigned contact and other forms (Now they are more clean & minimal).
- Improved testimonials section design.
- Improved typography & its color (Now its easier to read text).
- Improved overall website colors.
- Redesigned tabs in portfolio section.
- Improved Map design and contact info.
- Improved Tablet and Mobile layouts design.
- Redesigned mobile navigation.
Whats new in version 1.6 (Released 13 March 2014).
- Improved header design.
- Improved footer design.
- Improved services section.
- Added two rows image gallery in latest work section.
- Improved testimonial section.
- improved Quotation Section.
- Improved Parallax animations.
- Improved contact form.
- Improved navigation.
Whats new in version 1.5 (Released 24 November 2013).
Whats new in version 1.4 (Released 05 November 2013).
Whats new in version 1.3 (Released 21 October 2013).
Whats new in version 1.2 (Released 2 October 2013).
Whats new in version 1.1 (Released 21 September 2013).
Whats new in version 1.0 (Released 17 September 2013).
NOTE: The model & other images shown in preview are not included.
Image Credits | lowpoly_mountain |lowpoly_island |Desert Fire |seascape painting 2 |low poly tree |The Red Portal
Portfolia Muse Theme. Portofolia is a modern, clean and minimal Adobe Muse theme professionally designed by Intaglio Graphics & Multimedia, so that you can showcase
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