Planet Play is a colorful Blogger XML template which offers a striking and memorable design, while being very easy to use and install.
It is a wide, two column theme with a playful theme which is repeated throughout the design in the form of background images and icons. Be sure to check out the Subscribe section in the sidebar, which includes a stylized email subscription box to encourage new blog readers to subscribe to your future updates!
Features of this theme include:- Image-heavy, highly stylized graphics throughout
- PSD for header background and logo included
- Memorable Subscribe area in the sidebar, with integrated email subscription box which requires minimal configuration
- Icons for list items in the sidebar and footer, which are configured to match the widget type (ie: folder for Archives, page for Recent Posts, etc)
- Integrated recent posts widget (to display 10 latest items) and recent comments (which includes details of post author)
- Post information appears below each title, supplemented by appropriate icons
- Very easy to set up and begin using right away!
This design makes use of selected FamFamFam Silk Icons. All other icons and images are my own work and are unique to this Blogger template design.
I have included the PSD source files for the header-background and the logo in the template files.
Also, I have included the RSS Spaceship as a stand-alone icon (PNG format) in the Images folder in case you would like to use this for other elements of the layout.
A comprehensive help file is included in the download which explains exactly how to upload and configure the Planet Play template for your own Blogger blog.
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