Lector is a Ghost theme seriously optimized for reading.
Go from one screen size to the other and Lector will go with you. Your mobile readers will have a great reading experience on their commute or while waiting for the bus.Asynchronous page loading
Pages are asynchronously loaded, so there is no page reloading. The URL is updated through HTML5 history. This all makes for a faster and smoother experience.Featured images
The first image added to the top of a post becomes the featured image, its that simple.Search
Search is powered by Tapirus. After a simple setup, Lector is ready to be searched. Readers can search for any specific post they would like to revisit.For comments, you can choose between Disqus, Livefyre and Google+. Theyre all three integrated and all you have to do is fill in two settings to enable commenting.Social sharing
Social sharing buttons at the end of the post encourage the reader to share their find and bring you more social traffic. Sharing is enabled through AddThis, so after youve setup your account, you get access extended social sharing statistics.Syntax highlighting
If youre a developer or enjoy sharing the casual piece of code, Prism brings some much needed color.Next posts
At the end of the current post, you can go to the next post. This encourages the reader to read more of your work. Currently, this feature is limited to the 15 most recent posts.Responsive video
All YouTube, Vimeo, Kickstarter, Viddler or Blip.tv videos you embed, either through Embedly or by pasting the embed code directly inside the post are responsive.Embedly ready
If you have a free or premium Embedly account, you can embed video and other media by simply pasting the URL inside the post editor. Easy peasy lemon squeezyCustom error page
Lector includes a friendly custom error page that overrides the default Ghost error page and fits the design of the theme.Reading time
Each posts includes a reading time estimation so that your readers know if they have enough time to start reading and finish the post.Ghost 0.4 ready
Lector supports Ghost 0.4 and includes a template for static pages. The sidebar contains the navigation menu where you can add links to pages (by editing default.hbs).Documentation
Info about installation, setup and customization can be found here: http://lector.ghost.io/installation-setup-customization
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