If you like our product, dont forget to rate it Thank you
Flatastic is a premium HTML5 template that was exclusively designed for e-commerce. It will perfectly suit for any type of online store due its modern, clean and multi-functional layout. The variety of type layouts, header and footers will make a website development process varied and flexible.
Main Features:
All Features:
- Multipurpose design;
- Responsive and retina-ready layout;
- Attractive css animation;
- Cross-browser compatibility (IE9+);
- Valid HTML code;
- Based on Bootstrap 3;
- 27 HTML files included;
- Boxed and Wide versions
- Variety of homepage layouts;
- NEW! Corporate homepage layout;
- NEW! 5th footer;
- NEW! Portfolio pages;
- NEW! Shortcodes (banners, carousels, tabs, toggles, accodion, tour section, buttons, quotes, table, alert boxes, tables, lists, forms, icons, glyphicons, progress bar, pricing tables, dropcaps, team members, call to cation boxes, columns, etc);
- NEW! Typography pages;
- NEW! RTL version;
- 2 different Category page layouts;
- 2 different Product page layouts;
- 3 different sliders: Revolution (save $15), Camera and Flex sliders;
- 4 different headers;
- 5 different footers;
- Unlimited colors;
- Mega menu and simple drop-down menu;
- Wishlist page;
- Product comparison page;
- Switch on/off floating header option;
- Quick view product popup;
- Touch enabled option for product carousels and sliders;
- Drop-down shopping cart;
- Login pop-up
- List and grid view;
- Product Cloud Zoom and lightbox available;
- Share icons on a product page;
- Working contact form;
- Working twitter feed;
- Working Newsletter subscibtion form;
- Join us on Facebook plugin;
- Twitter and Facebook plugin;
- Hover effects and tooltips;
- Google web fonts;
- Iconic fonts;
- 27 PSD files included;
- Documentation;
- Free updates.
What Our Clients Say:
All Pages:
Images for the preview were used from http://depositphotos.com , http://www.modnakasta.ua/ and they are not included in the stock file.If you like our product, dont forget to rate it Thank you
Version 2.3.4 July 30th, 2014ADDED: RTL version.
Version 2.3.3 December 6th, 2014
FIXED: menu for ipad.
Version 2.3.2 July 30th, 2014
FIXED: menu for ipad.
Version 2.3.1 July 23rd, 2014
FIXED: anchor in the footer on the category_grid.html and category_list.html files;
Version 2.3 June 26th, 2014
FIXED: - hover on shopping cart; - titles for the portfolio items on the portfolio pages.
Version 2.2 May 28th, 2014
FIXED:- responsive version;- active menu item;- share icons;- Firefox issue. ADDED:- Alert message for old IE versions.
Version 2.1 April 17th, 2014
FIXED:- the shopping cart block in the headers;- social side blocks (Join Us on Facebook, Latest Tweets, Contact Us, Store Location) are not scrolled now with the content;
Version 2.0 April 10th, 2014
ADDED: - CORPORATE STYLE;- 10 PSD files;- 9 HTML files: corporate homepage, shortcodes, typography, 2 column portfolio, 3 column portfolio, 4 column portfolio, masonry portfolio, 2 variants of single portfolio post;- 5th footer;
Version 1.0 March 24th, 2014
Initial release.
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If you like our product, dont forget to rate it Thank you . Flatastic is a premium HTML5 template that was exclusively designed for e-commerce.
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If you like our product, dont forget to rate it Thank you . Flatastic is a premium HTML5 template that was exclusively designed for e-commerce.
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