Flat & Clean | One Page Parallax Muse Theme - Muse Templates

Flat & Clean is an advanced, parallax, one page Adobe Muse template made by FAR Interactive. This theme features Parallax Scrolling images (as headers for each topic/section). Although this theme is only configured for desktop, it performs well on tablets without changes. Use Flat & Clean today to build your complete website, or simply get started with learning Adobe Muse.

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Flat - definition of flat by The Free Dictionary
flat 1 (flt) adj. flat·ter, flat·test 1. a. Having a smooth, even surface: a flat field. See Synonyms at level. b. Having a relatively broad level surface in

Flat | Define Flat at Dictionary.com
adjective, flatter, flattest. 1. horizontally level: a flat roof. 2. level, even, or without unevenness of surface, as land or tabletops. 3. having a surface that is

flat - Dizionario inglese-italiano WordReference
flat - Traduzione del vocabolo e dei suoi composti, e discussioni del forum.

Flat | Definition of flat by Merriam-Webster
Full Definition of FLAT 1 a : lying at full length or spread out upon the ground : prostrate b : utterly ruined or destroyed c : resting with a surface against

Flat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
flat commonly refers to: Flatness, which describes an object or condition that is very smooth or level. Flat or flats may also refer to: Contents 1 Geography 1.1

Flat's holistic process joins our in-house design and technology offerings to approach your project as a single, cohesive user-centric experience.

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Flat Synonyms, Flat Antonyms | Thesaurus.com
Synonyms for flat at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.

Flat dictionary definition | flat defined
The definition of flat is something with a smooth level surface, something touching with as many points as possible, something that doesn't vary, or something that is

Flat (music) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In music, flat, or bemolle means "lower in pitch ". In music notation, the flat symbol, derived from a stylised lowercase "b", lowers a note by a half step

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