Kappas Responsive Ghost Theme is a themes for anyone , who want to make a website using ghost for blogging or anotherthe themes can be used for any kind of purpose like business,personal notes,school,medical,organisation
- Major Browser Support Fully tested & confirmed working on all major browsers. IE9+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera.
- Compatibility Updates Kappas will be updated regularly to ensure it is compatible with future versions of Ghost. This theme has currently been tested in version 0.3.3, 0.0.4 and the latest 0.4.2 build.
- Simple Install & Detailed Documentation Installation takes just a few minutes. Email support is available.
- Code Syntax Highlighting Posts containing code are styled and highlighted with the Highlight.js plugin.
- Social Profiles Author description includes editable social profile links for major platforms.
- Fully Responsive Designed for Mobile, Tablets, Notebooks, and Desktop Devices. Kappas will dynamically adjust to any devices viewport.
- Social sharing Sharing buttons below every post makes everything easy to share
- Google web fonts Integrated with google webfonts
- Tag Page Support Anyone can check post with specified tag
- Static Page Support You can make a custom static page for your blog
- Disquss Comment Fast comment with disquss
- Subscribe form with rss feedburner Everyone can request to subscribe
- Media support Image, Vimeo, Youtube, Soundcloud And Other Allows you to embed video or audio from another source
Resize the width of your browser window on the live preview for a demonstration.
Other Ghost Theme

Note: These images are not included in the theme files. Note: These images are not included in the theme files.
=== 12 August 2015 ===Custom NavigationGhost 0.6.2 === 4 December 2014 ===Initial Release
Get In Touch
Gladdy to help you
Regards, Hasny Design http://hasnydes.us
Kappas - Responsive Ghost Theme - Blogging | ThemeForest
Kappas Responsive Ghost Theme is a themes for anyone , who want to make a website using ghost for blogging or another the themes can be used for any kind of purpose
Kappas - Responsive Ghost Theme | MC Theme
Kappas Responsive Ghost Theme is a themes for anyone , who want to make a website using ghost for blogging or another the themes can be used for any kind of purpose
125+ Best Premium Responsive Ghost Themes « Designrazzi
Kappas Responsive Ghost Theme is a themes for Chimira is responsive blogging ghost theme and its make your blog to be a professional and you can embed
Website Templates and Themes new Blogging Themes ...
Kappas Responsive Ghost Theme is a themes for anyone , who want to make a website using ghost for blogging or another the themes can be used for any kind of purpose
170+ Ghost Themes & Templates | ThemeForest
Oleka - Responsive Ghost Blog Theme. $19. GBJsolution. 15 Sales in Blogging / Ghost Themes High Resolution: Yes, Compatible Browsers: IE9, IE10, IE11,
Grave - Responsive Ghost Theme | Ghost Themes and Apps ...
Kappas - Responsive Ghost Theme Annisa - Responsive Ghost Theme Animated, Photography, Blog: Update Date: 2015-03-06 07:42:40.896: Release Date: 2015-03-11 11:59
Responsive Ghost Themes - 20 Beautiful Ones
We selected 20 beautiful and responsive Ghost themes for you to check out! This is a responsive blogging ghost theme which makes your blog look professional and
Spacex Responsive Ghost Theme - Popular Website Templates
Spacex Responsive Ghost Theme. Responsive Blogging Templates Responsive Blogging Themes Responsive Ghost Templates Kappas Responsive Ghost Theme.
Ghost Book Responsive Ghost Theme | Popular Website ...
GhostBook is Responsive Ghost Theme by Official Ghost Partner. Clean and Modern Looking Blog Style. BY OFFICIAL GHOST PARTNER DEMO DOWNLOAD Review
Sandyo - Magazine Responsive Blogger Templates
Orbit is clean modern masonry style content focus theme for ghost blogging platform. it is 100% responsive means it Kappas Responsive Ghost Theme is a themes
Kappas Responsive Ghost Theme is a themes for anyone , who want to make a website using ghost for blogging or another the themes can be used for any kind of purpose
Kappas - Responsive Ghost Theme | MC Theme
Kappas Responsive Ghost Theme is a themes for anyone , who want to make a website using ghost for blogging or another the themes can be used for any kind of purpose
125+ Best Premium Responsive Ghost Themes « Designrazzi
Kappas Responsive Ghost Theme is a themes for Chimira is responsive blogging ghost theme and its make your blog to be a professional and you can embed
Website Templates and Themes new Blogging Themes ...
Kappas Responsive Ghost Theme is a themes for anyone , who want to make a website using ghost for blogging or another the themes can be used for any kind of purpose
170+ Ghost Themes & Templates | ThemeForest
Oleka - Responsive Ghost Blog Theme. $19. GBJsolution. 15 Sales in Blogging / Ghost Themes High Resolution: Yes, Compatible Browsers: IE9, IE10, IE11,
Grave - Responsive Ghost Theme | Ghost Themes and Apps ...
Kappas - Responsive Ghost Theme Annisa - Responsive Ghost Theme Animated, Photography, Blog: Update Date: 2015-03-06 07:42:40.896: Release Date: 2015-03-11 11:59
Responsive Ghost Themes - 20 Beautiful Ones
We selected 20 beautiful and responsive Ghost themes for you to check out! This is a responsive blogging ghost theme which makes your blog look professional and
Spacex Responsive Ghost Theme - Popular Website Templates
Spacex Responsive Ghost Theme. Responsive Blogging Templates Responsive Blogging Themes Responsive Ghost Templates Kappas Responsive Ghost Theme.
Ghost Book Responsive Ghost Theme | Popular Website ...
GhostBook is Responsive Ghost Theme by Official Ghost Partner. Clean and Modern Looking Blog Style. BY OFFICIAL GHOST PARTNER DEMO DOWNLOAD Review
Sandyo - Magazine Responsive Blogger Templates
Orbit is clean modern masonry style content focus theme for ghost blogging platform. it is 100% responsive means it Kappas Responsive Ghost Theme is a themes