Zawaj Social Network & Dating Theme
Zawaj is a beautifully crafted WordPress & BuddyPress theme for people who want to build an online community. This theme is designed to cater dating websites and landing pages. You can also Zawaj to create beautiful social networking websites or even corporate website with only few changes.
Zawaj not only helps you build social networking sites on top of WordPress, but also helps you save a ton of money. Instead of hiring designers and developers to do the BuddyPress Theme, Zawaj do it for you.
Zawaj has the best features available for building a stunning a community for your company, organisation, family, friends, band, club, gang, you name it Zawaj can do it
Extremely customisable theme with 2 hottest premium plug-ins Visual Composer and Revolution Slider.
- Slider Revolution Included($15 Value!)
- BuddyPress Ready (all BuddyPress components are supported, over 40 inner pages.)
- bbPress Ready
- WooCommerce Ready
- Group Forums
- WPMU Ready
- Translation Ready
- Contact Form 7 Ready
- BreadCrumbs (Powered by BreadCrumb NavXT)
- All Material Presets Included!( See Demo )
- Custom CSS
- Child Theme Support
- Tested to work with number of BuddyPress Plugin
- Unlimited Sidebars
- Post Custom Sidebars
- Page Custom Sidebars
- bbPress Custom Sidebars (forums, topics)
- BuddyPress Custom Sidebars
- WooCommerce Custom Sidebars
- Smart Widget Areas
- Smart Notification
- 100% Responsive
- Easy and simple theme options
- Custom Backgrounds
- Typography
- Boxed/Fluid layout
- Custom CSS Area
- Base Presets
- ...
- Built on WordPress standards
- Post formats
- Flat Design
- No core changes (Future Proof!)
- Clean Code
- Super deep drop down menu
- Contact form 7
- IE8, IE9, IE10, Latest Firefox, Chrome, Safari
- Dummy Content XML
- Comprehensive Documentation
- Dedicated Support Site ( <a href= > )
Zawaj Social Network & Dating Theme. Zawaj is a beautifully crafted WordPress & BuddyPress theme for people who want to build an online community.
Zawaj The BuddyPress Dating Theme | Online Dating Tops
Zawaj The BuddyPress Dating Theme Zawaj is a beautifully crafted WordPress & BuddyPress theme for people who wanted to build a social
Zawaj - The BuddyPress Dating Theme -
WordPress / BuddyPress High Resolution: Yes, Widget Ready: Yes, Compatible Browsers: IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Compatible With: Facebook, WPML
Dating Templates & Themes | ThemeForest
Templates & Themes tagged 'dating' $ $ Live Zawaj - The BuddyPress Dating Theme. $59. More than a Wordpress Dating Theme. $59.
Zawaj - The BuddyPress Dating Theme
Zawaj Social Network & Dating Theme Zawaj is a beautifully crafted WordPress & BuddyPress theme for people who want to build an online community.
Zawaj - The BuddyPress Dating Theme (BuddyPress) | http ... Zawaj - The BuddyPress Dating Theme Creas Ultra Creative WordPress Theme |
Zawaj BuddyPress Theme | Best Dating Theme of 2015
How does it Work? All you need to have is a computer and an internet connection to start using Zawaj. Follow the simple steps below and enjoy our monthly freebies and
WordPress Best Themes: [NEW] Zawaj - The BuddyPress Dating ...
All the best Free and Premium themes for you lovely WordPress. Find all the best templates for your design from famous brands such as ThemeForest, Elegant
Zawaj The BuddyPress Dating Theme (BuddyPress ...
Live PreviewPurchase $48.00Zawaj The BuddyPress Dating Theme Zawaj is a beautifully crafted WordPress & BuddyPress theme for people who wanted to
Zawaj the buddypress dating theme wordpress buddypress ...
Zawaj & Social Network & Dating Theme Zawaj is a beautifully crafted WordPress & BuddyPress theme for people who want to build an online community.