Optic is a responsive Tumblr theme perfect for any blog type featuring the Masonry jQuery plugin. Showcase your artwork with complete focus on the post.
Optic comes packed full of jQuery awesomeness and shows your posts in all their glory. Pick colours for any part of the theme so you can fully customise it the way you want. Also pick your favourite font from the Google fonts library and add it in using the themes options panel. The themes only image is the logo and the images you post its completely CSS!
Resize your browser to see how it responds to your browser size.
Current version: v1.6.7 (Changelog)
Theme Documentation
Check out the theme documentation here: Optic Documentation
100% Responsive and Retina Ready
Scan the QR code below to view the theme on your mobile device
80+ Custom Theme Options.
Customise until your heart is content. Change the colour of every element. Set up social network links and pick you favourite Google Font to use for the headers. Full list provided in the theme documentation.
Optic uses the Masonry jQuery Plugin
The Masonry jQuery plugin allows your posts to stack nicely making full use of the screen real estate. Posts can be any length you wish!
- 100% Responsive Layout
- 100% CSS, no images!
- Responsive images and videos
- Masonry jQuery plugin
- Infinite Scrolling
- Use ANY Google Font
- Toggle the sidebar
- People I Follow widget
- Retina display icons
- Post instantly on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ & Pinterest
- Pick colours for everything
- Pick any colour for text, chat, quote and link posts
- Supports all types of Tumblr posts.
- Add custom CSS
- After sales support
- Free and Unlimited Access to the support forum
- Instagram photo feed in sidebar (Added in v1.1)
- Flickr photo feed in sidebar (Added in v1.3)
- Dribbble feed in sidebar (Added in v1.6)
- Latest Tweet feed in sidebar (Added in v1.6)
- Upload a Retina logo (Added in v1.6)
- PSDs for normal and retina logo mockups (Added in v1.6)
Theme Support
If your having any issues or have any questions then Im here to help! Head over to the support forum and create a new thread!
Video Tutorials
How To Install a Premium Tumblr Theme
Colour Theme Inspiration
For more colour palette examples head over to Colour Lovers.
Testimonials From Our Users
I love this theme and am looking forward to setting it all up. Thanks. applustech
Great Developer! Most helpful and responsive Ive ever come across. Cant praise enough. nmburt
Optic In The Wild
Check out what others have done to customise the Optic tumblr theme and get ideas for your own customisation.
G33K PRON g33kpron.tumblr.com
IDAHO3 idahohoho.tumblr.com
Redd Head spotlight.redd-head.com
Made On NY Ave newyorkave.tumblr.com
Film Festival Life filmfestivallife.tumblr.com
Food Verdicts foodverdicts.tumblr.com
HMI Social hmisocial.tumblr.com
DJ Moiz www.djmoiz.com
The New Regime site.thenewregime.com
Passion Pit Music passionpitmusic.com
Rating this theme
If you feel like rating this theme with a below 5 star rating then please do get in contact with me and explain what the issue is your having so I can improve the theme for you.
Optic is a responsive Tumblr theme perfect for any blog type featuring the Masonry jQuery plugin. Showcase your artwork with complete focus on the post.
Optic Responsive Tumblr Theme
Optic Tumblr Theme. The Optic Tumblr theme features a whole bag full of jQuery goodness. It also features the Masonry plugin that nicely displays your images.
Optic Responsive Tumblr Theme - Changelog
Changelog. This is where Ill be posting all the changes I have made to the Optic Tumblr theme. Theres always more coming! =] Download the latest version of the
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