Neat Tumblr Theme - Tumblr

Neat is a Tumblr theme which provides a classy and clean experience especially for pictures blogs.It features an unique and original scroll experience for your visitor.Indeed, I have written a jQuery plugin especially for this theme which allows to use the size of you window for each post and obviously the layout is fully responsive.

You can use your keyboard to navigate or better, if you click on the first half of your browser you scroll to the top and if you click of the second half of your browser, you scroll to the bottom.

But thats not all, you can enabled a amazing effect when you scroll. Take a look to the demo to see it in live.



  • An original scroll experience for your visitors
  • Responsive layout
  • Choose between a vertical layout (default) or horizontal layout
  • Custom Colors / Custom logo (Image Upload or Text)
  • Well documented
  • Extensive options
  • Google Analytics integrated
  • Infinite Scroll
  • Clean javascripts and css
  • Supports all 7 post types (include photoset)
  • Easy to setup and use

Note: Neat isnt designed for long post. And please be aware the hide effect on scroll is disabled for compatibility reasons on iPad and iPhone.

Theme contents

The following files are included in this theme:

  • Text File (Neat-TumblrTheme.txt) includes all HTML for the theme
  • Documentation (Help.pdf)

CSS and JS files are hosted by Tumblr.



Please post any questions that you have or send me any bugs you find (or any feature that you would like to see added). I will be happy to help and would be very useful to keep this theme updated, improved and bug-free.


28th April 2012

  • Bug fixes
  • Support Tumblr Photoset
  • Add easing during scroll

Neat | Tumblr
A Simply Styled Theme with Some Neat Features

Neat Tumblr Theme - Tumblr | ThemeForest
Neat Theme for Tumblr. Neat is a Tumblr theme which provides a classy and clean experience especially for pictures blogs. It features an unique and original scroll

NeatFolio | Tumblr
A beautiful, flexible Tumblr theme that's easy to customise and make your own.

Neat | Theme Guide
Neat is a mobile-first Tumblr theme with a minimal design. Pagination options to navigate posts are standard previous/next, a load more posts button, or infinite

Neat Theme
Neat is a Tumblr theme which provides a classy and clean experience especially for pictures blogs. It features an unique and original scroll experience for your visitor.

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themes by faede
all themes seen on this page are made by tumblr user faede, this is a one columned very neat and minimal looking theme that i love!

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