Kahini - A Ghost Theme for Every Blogger - Blogging

Kahini offers an ideal framework to present your stories, helping you to engage your audience effortlessly across browsers and devices. With customizable header photos, stylized blockquotes, typographic niceties, section separators and much more you are well equipped to present narratives that communicate your thoughts evocatively.


Offer a Delightful Surfing Experience Utilize the advantages of manually triggered infinite scroll, permalink navigation and thoughtful transitions.

Showcase a Personalized Blog Add a logo and customize cover photos to suit the tone.

Capture the Imagination Opt for innovative image placements to convey a compelling story. See an example here.

Use the lightbox effect to open images in a larger and more attractive frame. Embed videos within a post to share poignant moments of life and fascinate your audience.

Optimize Your Articles for the Web Highlight key phrases with stylized blockquotes, make use of beautiful drop caps and small caps, add feature images, separate thematically different sections of your posts with stylized horizontal tags or organize your content with a distinct visual hierarchy. Let the design and typography provide a pleasurable reading experience.

Augment Your Social Presence Link your Ghost blog to your wider social existence on the web.

Create a Nimble & Attractive Blog Make use of custom pages, responsive videos, featured posts, custom navigation, author and tag pages with cover images and social sharing buttons in the responsive and retina device friendly design framework of Kahini.

Note: The latest version of Ghost is supported by Kahini.

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Kahini v1.1  New Feature Added, CSS & JS UpdatedKahini v1.0  Release

Kahini - A Ghost Theme for Every Blogger - Blogging ...
Kahini - A Ghost Theme for Every Blogger Kahini - A Ghost Theme for Every Blogger

Kahini - A Ghost Theme for Every Blogger (Ghost Themes ...
Kahini offers an ideal framework to present your stories, helping you to engage your audience effortlessly across browsers and devices. With customizable

Kahini - A Ghost Theme for Every Blogger - ThemeWide
Futura is a clean minimal & modern content focus theme for ghost blogging platform. Read More

Kahini - A Ghost Theme for Every Blogger
Free Download Kahini - A Ghost Theme for Every Blogger Nulled Script. Augment Your Social Presence Link your Ghost blog to your wider social existence on the web.

Discussion on Kahini A Ghost Theme For Every Blogger ...
Blog / Magazine; BuddyPress; Corporate; Creative; Ghost Themes; Layers WP All Items; TypeEngine Themes; Search

Kahini - A Ghost Theme for Every Blogger
Kahini offers an ideal framework to present your stories, helping you to engage your audience effortlessly across browsers and devices. With customizable header

Kahini - A Ghost Theme for Every Blogger (Ghost Themes ...
2015 (7364) August (614) July (1110) June (1074) May (1069) bbPress Access - Limit Forum Access (Forums) downl Piluku - Bootstrap Admin + AngularJS Admin Templa

Kahini - A Ghost Theme for Every Blogger
Kahini - A Ghost Theme for Every Blogger; Download free Kahini May 06, 2015,01:06:15 in Blogging templates cracked. Screenshots. Demo. Buy (19 $) 19 $

Website Templates and Themes new Blogging Themes ...
responsive-blogger Ghost Theme is a themes for anyone , who want to make a website using ghost for blogging or another the themes can be used for

Ghost Hit | Ghost Themes
Ghost themes for blogging. you will have the tools to blog effectively using the Ghost platform. See Current Themes; Learn More; Until now Ghost Hit only

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